Got My Goat Pictures
8/31/09 11:41pm
Well I got him! Sorry it took me so song to post pics, (I went off and got married). Anyway I'm back and thought you guys might like to see some pics. I passed on the buck that I posted pictures of for you guys to judge, (thanks for the help everyone). This is the one I ended up taking. Not a world record but pretty nice for Oregon. It was fun. - Leo
(i can't resist this)...cherish the lope it might be your last one for quite a spell,
because the honey do list will keep you busy as he!!........(just kidding)...
Congrats & congrats again,
so for all you antelope guys im huntin antelope for my first time i was wonderin if you could give me some pointers on choosin a good buck. what to look for so that i dont shoot something little and not know even though it is my first time i always like to shoot something that is something i would be proud of so any pointers on what to look for would be great
I'm about 2 years out from an Or draw so time to get excited. I now have exactly half as much hair as I had when I started applying. To answer the question about judging antelope, I use a quick few things. First, horns double the height of the ears are about 12" straight up. Add whatever curl to that. Second, for score you want the prongs to be above the ears, or in the top 1/3 of the horn. Third, look for mass from the base up to the prong and prong length. And a final that has nothing to do with score but is a turn on for me is a good set of ivory tips!---shooter