Got my mission call

Hey! I'm LDS and I thought I'd let you all know I got my call, I report to the MTC on March 11th and then I head to Mendoza, Argentina!
Congrats on the call, best decision I've ever made so far in my life was to serve a MISSION. Toronto Canada West 1993-1995
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Thanks! I am super excited! I have a friend who actually leaves for that mission in a 2 and a half weeks!
Very cool, that's exciting.
congrats and good luck
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Thank you!
I'm not LDS nor have I ever really known anyone who is, but I've always been curious if going on a mission is voluntary or required? Is it just males or do females also go? My understanding is that one usually goes shortly after high school and before college?

Congrats and enjoy your time in Argentina. Very nice country and even better people.
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It is a choice that every missionary makes. Guys and girls both go, but guys are encouraged heavily to go while girls it is more so just if they want to. The age that girls could leave at use to be 21 and guys 19, but they lowered the ages recently to 18 for guys and 19 for girls. Since the age change a lot more girls have been going than before. Yeah that is the usual time frame, sometime you will go to a semester or two of college before leaving, which is what I did. Thank you! I am looking forward to getting to know the people and country better!
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That's exciting. Latinos are some of the nicest people on the planet, they will open their homes and hearts to you. Que le vaya bien.
Congrats Scott. You'll love Argentina.
I served in Buenos Aires South from '99-'01 and my brother in Neuquen from '02-'04.
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Congratulations on the decision to serve a mission.
Springville Shooter
Congrats on answering the call. Don't worry, the big bucks and pretty ladies will still be here when you get back......we'll save some for you. Have fun.------SS
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are you going to do any dove hunting or big game while you are down there