Got My sheep tag!!

After 20+ years of applying I drew my once in a lifetime Big Horn Sheep tag here in Oregon. I had to post and brag a little :))

I will be floating the John Day River the end of October. This is the first tag in my family ever! My father has been applying for over 40 years and brother almost 20. I wish I could give my father the tag but he and my brother will be right there the whole way.

Hey Killerbee I would love to chat with ya. :thumb
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Congrats! & G'luck!!
right on tyewire!!!

what side? ( really doesn't matter at all)

i'll load you up with info, you lucky **** lol

for the record, i made a pact that i was going to wait for the card this year, to change my luck, so i could STILL have the same sheep tag as you(different date)

heck ya, you are in for the hunt of your life, kick back and enjoy the rest of this year- it will be one of your best years of hunting for the rest of your life.

on this hunt you dont have to worry about "if" you kill a sheep, you WILL kill a respectable ram, it's just a matter of what you want to hold out for.

i'm jealous(sp??) as heck!
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Congrats on a great tag. :thumb
Congrats! :thumb
Thank you!!

Ya, It's the sit back and relax part that going to make me cazy ](*,) I am already pump and ready to go mentally!

Season Dates: 31-OCT-11 08-NOV-11 successful :))
sending you a p.m.
Couldn't stand it. I had to go down and buy my tag so I could hold it in my hand :)) Yep its real!!
you got 1 heck of a year ahead of you!

i've been on lots of hunts, in almost every western state, that was one of the best i've ever been on.
I just read your other thread. Man, back to back once in a lifetime hunts you get to go on. Way cool. I hope Tuesday brings good new for you as well.
i'm really hoping,, but if i draw anything it will be a great hunt. thats the way i set up my draws this year.
you still have the best hunt i would want to hAVE;)
Congrats! 10sign: I look forward to a post like killerbees last year!
For sure! This is going to be a magical year! My wife and I should draw a great unit in Wyoming as well for antelope. We will get right back home and get ready for sheep. After that she has a late elk tag and I have late archery deer plus, a extra deer Willamette tag. :thumb

Oh, and not to mention the first two weeks of general archery season to kick off the year.

I used to hate guys like me that had all the luck lol Patients has finally payed off...
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That is awesome! I would love to come and video the hunt, If i had the time! congrats and good luck!!!!
Thanks! I think I have found the fountain of youth with this tag. I swear time has stopped..
Congratulations on drawing the tag! It sounds as though you will have a busy hunting season this year. Good luck on all of your hunts! :thumb
Thanks! No Wyoming tags after all. There was a big jump in people in our unit. Probably a blessing for this year with the sheep hunt and all. Kind of hard to be disappointed. :))
hey i should have a copy of that video this weekend, if i do i'll send it out to you next week.
also- have you watched the whole video eastmans did last year of your hunt? if not, you can call and order one. and it's the exact hunt you will be on. on second thought, dont rush to order that just yet either. i'll see if my cousin can burn a copy of it.

I have watched three hunts now and read a couple others of the same hunt. Rick Young outdoors has a sheep video I bought with a John Day hunt and Steve's outdoors did the same hunt in 09", it aired last season.

I did see the Eastman hunt but, would love to watch again if you do have it.

I have watched every youtube video that even mentions the word sheep. I think I am driving everyone crazy around here and work :))

Did you get my PMs?
off topic-is that the rick young that used to be with northwest hunter? if so i always wondered what happenend to him, he was better than the owner who does it now- anyway he went on a new mexico elk hunt with me and killed a nice 280+/- 6x6.

anyway, i seen the steves outdoor adventures, the long version of eastmans is really good. anyway, my cousin supposed to bring them camping this weekend.

when is your orientation?

the best biologist you can talk to, and you should give him a call, is steve out of Hepner. his phone # is 541-676-5230 from what i've found he was #1 for your unit
Orientation is the 16th. Ya Rick is still around. This new sheep video is pretty good. 28 hunts from around the world including a John Day River hunt. They pay the trespass fee though and don't float.

Thanks for the heads up on the biologist! If he is not at the orientation I will be giving him a call.
Holly cow raft rentals are expensive!! 3 rafts for 2 weeks Is $4,300.00. That trespass fee is sounding better (???) Anyone have 3 rafts for sale?
If you were in Utah I could probably get you hooked up with much cheaper rafts. Let me check with my dad and see if he knows any secrets. He used to be a white water rafting guide and still owns his own and goes on trips yearly. How far would you be willing to travel to pick up rafts?
holy smokes! surely you know some people whohave bigger catarafts, regular rafts? lots of people float rivers, heck- i'd put an add on craigslist. no way you should have to pay that much!
heck, i would bet you could go on craigslist/ ebay/ forum classifieds AND BUY your rafts for cheaper than that , then when your all done with your hunt- re-sale them?
Ya no doubt. I think I found someone willing to rent much cheaper. Thanks sneekeepete for the offer. I would like to find something a little closer. Still have lots of time but I don't want to wait till the last minute.
Sheep Orientation in the Morning, and scouting Sunday!! Can't wait!! :))
orientation will be cool, and take all day. wemade sure to get there early and drove up the river to look ast the ramms from the hwy.

so where/ how you scouting? did the landowner deal work?

tomorrow's a big day! there will be some boring times, but that orientation is really cool!
how was it?
i heard you met my cousin :))
your probably a little overwelmed(sP?? ) after today.
It was good. The Bio was good to talk to and a couple previous tag holders. I think I came out even more confused on how to field judge after there demo. ](*,) Oh well, the videos should be here by Tuesday.

Sounds like your cousin has a good crew of guys. He tells me that they are going to shoot the biggest sheep on the mountain. I hope they do!! I will gladly take #2.

Should be fun.
thats just because they were right there, sounds like none of them are going to hike up any hills, i doubt they float before their hunt, and i dont think any of them really have any optics. i think you are sitting pretty! i bet they have a upper 150's ram by the time they leave horseshoe bend.

i'll still give you absolutly as much help as i can, they dont have any secrets and they'll go about it all wrong. sounds to me like it's a best case senario for you
Ya they split early. I was kind of hoping to chat more with them. I didn't meet any 3rd season guys at all. Meet both the first season guys. One is just about a lock for the White Elephant Ranch. The other , well lets just say I think your right. Not a lot to worry about lol

I spent the day there today. Did a little hiking. I can't wait :))
Took advantage of a good friend and flew over the John Day today. Wow! what a beutiful morning!

And Yes, I did she sheep :))
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congrats on the sheep tag its gonna be great!!!
Thanks! and welcome!
Did some scouting this weekend instead of elk hunting. My buddy killed a bull without me! How dare he lol But in the end it was worth it. I saw a ram worth the trip :)
If I were you I would forget about elk hunting until after I had a ram on the ground. The elk tags are there every year. Sheep tags only come once. Good luck!
Thanks CK1!

It is hard to think about anything else. All though I had a 6x7 Roosevelt less that 100yrds this morning for a couple hours. We didn't close the deal but, I will be back...
tyewire- there is a good chance the older fellow that has the same tag as you is NOT GOING ON HIS HUNT ](*,)
my cousin said the boys all bailed on him, and the guy cant do it by himeself.

it blows me away to hear things like this- people would LOVE to have his tag and he might not even go on the hunt ](*,) ](*,)
surely they work something out, one would hope, but i thought you'd be interested in hearing- i'll let you know if theres any update.
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Man, this sounds like an awesome hunt! I'm excited to hear how it turns out for you.
"killerbee" wrote:tyewire- there is a good chance the older fellow that has the same tag as you is NOT GOING ON HIS HUNT ](*,)
my cousin said the boys all bailed on him, and the guy cant do it by himeself.

it blows me away to hear things like this- people would LOVE to have his tag and he might not even go on the hunt ](*,) ](*,)
surely they work something out, one would hope, but i thought you'd be interested in hearing- i'll let you know if theres any update.
Wow! I can't imagine not going on that hunt. There has got to be someone to help him out. Your cuz bailed also? He could always pay the trespass fee and hunt that way. I will be in total shock if he doesn't hunt it.
Thanks for the update.
Well I have a little over a month to go till opening day. I am finally all set and ready to go. All the plans and arrangements are in place. Now everything depends on mother nature to give me some rain for the river level to jump up. Right now it is impassable. It is sitting at 167cfs. I am told it take a minimum of 450cfs to run the river.

So in your spare time could you please say a little prayer for me [-o< Or maybe a rain dance lol Thanks! I will keep you all up to date!
lol If you Google (hunting from stand up paddle board) you will see that its definetly possible withh low water conditions lol
Sure enough!
Can I get a weeks worth of food on one of those and all my gear? Too funny, thanks for the video.
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Tyewire no worries on the cfs I believe its at about 420 now last year I floted the same stretch put in at 400 took out at 300 with a large pontoon and had no problems. You will do a little dragging but its no big deel just make sure your wearing waiters. Good luck and enjoy the hunt of a lifetime.
Thanks a bunch Muddybuck. Ya, I have been watching it close. The bio for the area says he has been down at a 100cfs in a drift boat and figure 300 would be enough for the rafts. I can't wait!!

Where you on a sheep hunt?
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I wish Nope just fishin
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Anybody want to take a guess on what day of the hunt Tywire will kill his ram Im guessing day # 2 . Just for fun!!! I think his hunt starts monday oct 31st. Good luck :) :) :)
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I'm going to say day 3.... He'll see some animals but the one he really wants will step out on day 3!
man it's getting close! i wish i had the tag in my pocket.

good luck tyewire, take lots of picture :thumb
Well I'm back! What a trip. I am beat. 13 days on the river. Absolutely the trip of a lifetime.

I will get pic and a story as soon as I get unpacked and back to normal.
waspocrew wins the prize. Nov. 2
Oh man I can't wait!!!!!!
right on TYEWIRE!!!!

i cant wait to see pictures! now next year , IT'S MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
I got to give credit where credit is due. Killerbee, your advise on the prefloat was priceless. If I could get you the next tag I would!!!
Awesome, sounds amazing. Look forward to the story etc. :thumb
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Tyewire we know your tired from a long hunt but the hunt is not over until we see pics and a story. Cant wait congrats man. That is one awsome streatch of river very amazing and beautiful
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I knew that day would work out! Haha congrats!! I'm excited to see the pics and hear all about it. Everyone's been waiting all year for this!
Tyewire" alt="" />

Ok, here it its! Just a little tease lol On my way over to get all the pictures gather up. I will return!!
I didn't think that sheep shed their horns (???)

just checking, i sure cant wit to see those pictures:)

along with the pictures, i have all sorts of questions- did you see the other east side guy, the guy my cousin was going to go with?

also, did you meet the guys who had the west side tag? 2 guys in a blue raft, ryan and josh? if so, how did they do? they still aren't back yet so i haven't heard anything.

i'm super stoked you had a great hunt!--