Got My sheep tag!!
6/18/11 9:22pm
After 20+ years of applying I drew my once in a lifetime Big Horn Sheep tag here in Oregon. I had to post and brag a little :))
I will be floating the John Day River the end of October. This is the first tag in my family ever! My father has been applying for over 40 years and brother almost 20. I wish I could give my father the tag but he and my brother will be right there the whole way.
Hey Killerbee I would love to chat with ya. :thumb
I will be floating the John Day River the end of October. This is the first tag in my family ever! My father has been applying for over 40 years and brother almost 20. I wish I could give my father the tag but he and my brother will be right there the whole way.
Hey Killerbee I would love to chat with ya. :thumb
what side? ( really doesn't matter at all)
i'll load you up with info, you lucky **** lol
for the record, i made a pact that i was going to wait for the card this year, to change my luck, so i could STILL have the same sheep tag as you(different date)
heck ya, you are in for the hunt of your life, kick back and enjoy the rest of this year- it will be one of your best years of hunting for the rest of your life.
on this hunt you dont have to worry about "if" you kill a sheep, you WILL kill a respectable ram, it's just a matter of what you want to hold out for.
i'm jealous(sp??) as heck!
Ya, It's the sit back and relax part that going to make me cazy ](*,) I am already pump and ready to go mentally!
Season Dates: 31-OCT-11 08-NOV-11 successful :))
i've been on lots of hunts, in almost every western state, that was one of the best i've ever been on.
you still have the best hunt i would want to hAVE;)
Oh, and not to mention the first two weeks of general archery season to kick off the year.
I used to hate guys like me that had all the luck lol Patients has finally payed off...
also- have you watched the whole video eastmans did last year of your hunt? if not, you can call and order one. and it's the exact hunt you will be on. on second thought, dont rush to order that just yet either. i'll see if my cousin can burn a copy of it.
I have watched three hunts now and read a couple others of the same hunt. Rick Young outdoors has a sheep video I bought with a John Day hunt and Steve's outdoors did the same hunt in 09", it aired last season.
I did see the Eastman hunt but, would love to watch again if you do have it.
I have watched every youtube video that even mentions the word sheep. I think I am driving everyone crazy around here and work :))
Did you get my PMs?
anyway, i seen the steves outdoor adventures, the long version of eastmans is really good. anyway, my cousin supposed to bring them camping this weekend.
when is your orientation?
the best biologist you can talk to, and you should give him a call, is steve out of Hepner. his phone # is 541-676-5230 from what i've found he was #1 for your unit
Thanks for the heads up on the biologist! If he is not at the orientation I will be giving him a call.
so where/ how you scouting? did the landowner deal work?
tomorrow's a big day! there will be some boring times, but that orientation is really cool!
how was it?
i heard you met my cousin :))
your probably a little overwelmed(sP?? ) after today.
Sounds like your cousin has a good crew of guys. He tells me that they are going to shoot the biggest sheep on the mountain. I hope they do!! I will gladly take #2.
Should be fun.
i'll still give you absolutly as much help as i can, they dont have any secrets and they'll go about it all wrong. sounds to me like it's a best case senario for you
I spent the day there today. Did a little hiking. I can't wait :))
And Yes, I did she sheep :))
It is hard to think about anything else. All though I had a 6x7 Roosevelt less that 100yrds this morning for a couple hours. We didn't close the deal but, I will be back...
my cousin said the boys all bailed on him, and the guy cant do it by himeself.
it blows me away to hear things like this- people would LOVE to have his tag and he might not even go on the hunt ](*,) ](*,)
surely they work something out, one would hope, but i thought you'd be interested in hearing- i'll let you know if theres any update.
Thanks for the update.
So in your spare time could you please say a little prayer for me [-o< Or maybe a rain dance lol Thanks! I will keep you all up to date!
Where you on a sheep hunt?
good luck tyewire, take lots of picture :thumb
I will get pic and a story as soon as I get unpacked and back to normal.
i cant wait to see pictures! now next year , IT'S MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Ok, here it its! Just a little tease lol On my way over to get all the pictures gather up. I will return!!
along with the pictures, i have all sorts of questions- did you see the other east side guy, the guy my cousin was going to go with?
also, did you meet the guys who had the west side tag? 2 guys in a blue raft, ryan and josh? if so, how did they do? they still aren't back yet so i haven't heard anything.
i'm super stoked you had a great hunt!--