Got my story about my big buck in Trophy Hunter Magazine
12/18/06 2:38pm
My story just came out in Trophy Hunter Magazine - Winter Issue, 2006. I have 2 pages in there with 2 really nice photos. If you want to see the story the issue is on sale until February 15th, 2007. My story is on Page 24 and Page 25. Let me know what you think for any of you who get the magazine.
Thanks for the update (The mount turned out great too)
I want to share an excerpt from my story which thanks the people that have helped me, mostly my dad.
"I would really like to thank my wonderful dad, Don Partridge. He has made hunting with him a joy even if he always got the bigger bucks than I did. He taught me everything I know and is always there for me. He has always been more excited about the smaller deer I got than the bigger deer he got. He is the best dad in the world. Thank you so mch. It is was not for all you've taught me I would never have gotten this big mule deer."
As it says. Without the help of my dad and best friend I would never have gotten this muley. And he always jumps for joy over the bucks I get, even if they are small.
Congrats for sure. Love the mount also. :thumb
I'll look it up and let you know.
Their website is
Phone # 435-462-1334
Again, Congratulations on a fantastic buck. =D>
So I assume they used it without permission huh? I mean eh? :)
The only way I can see that they got the photo is from Big Buck Magazine if they are affiliated with them. Big Buck was meant to run my story in the Fall Issue and never did. That is why I decided to go and find other magazines to put my story in. I got mad at Big Buck because they came to my dad and I about both of our deer and told us we would get it in the Summer Issue and then came back and said oh no now the Fall Issue and now we haven't heard from them at all.
So I could care less about it being in Big Buck now. With the Trophy Hunter Magazine for giving them my story and photos to publish I got a tshirt, movie and 5 free subscriptions. Plus 4 extra copies of the magazine.