Got that dreaded e-mail
4/24/04 2:52pm
Yup, I got that dreaded e-mail from Utah saying no, no, no BOHNTR, no archery Pauns tag for you this year..........but we will give you ANOTHER point. :x
Anyone have any GOOD news on the draw?
BOHNTR )))---------------->
Anyone have any GOOD news on the draw?
BOHNTR )))---------------->
Outstanding man! That's a tough draw my friend. Better go out and buy some lotto tickets too. Just remember, ol' BOHNTR was here for ya. :lol:
Bet you can't wait to start scouting that unit. Congratulations again. It's always nice to have a fellow MM guy/gal get drawn for a premium tag.
BOHNTR )))---------------->
It looks like your dad and my brother have about the same kind of luck when it comes to drawing tags. A few years ago 81 applicants applied for 80 permits on a particular hunt. My bro was number 81 and did not receive a tag. After reviewing the 2003 & 2004 draw odds reports; it appears as your dad was close to a shoe in. I think it's safe to say he can plan on going next year, maybe! (LOL)
Don't just give up on that big buck yet! If you really want to hunt, get out that 'ol bow and head to any general unit in Utah. There are big deer there too, you just might have to hunt a little harder! Nothing wrong with a bunch of hard work and a big buck that follows! People are disapointed in mule deer hunting in Utah. I always see good bucks, Its getting them on the ground that is the hard part, or finding them when the hunt rolls around
I'll find out about the California draws in about a month....probably end up in the same boat as the majority of us though, but the anticipation is killing me! Kinda like Christmas as a kid....hoping you get that killer pellet gun but you also know damn good and well that there are probably socks and underwear in some of the wrapping!