Gov Deer Tag Successes

Anybody on this site know if any GOV deer tag holders have connected on any monster bucks? Usually by this time someone in Utah or AZ have collected something real special. Thank you
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I mean no disrespect at all, and I like seeing big bucks just like the next guy. But I could care less about some super rich guy who pays dudes to go out and find him a buck. Then sits on that buck and lead the rich guy to it. Then he gets his picture in all the magazines and enters it in the B&C or P&Y record books. I personally feel that it demeans what we are supposed to be hunting for. I will never respect that hunter compared to the guy who scrimps and saves. Does his own scouting, and bags a trophy on his own on public land. I just don't feel like the rich dude has earned it. JMO.

Didn't mean to rant.
I think most all of us here at MM have the same opinon as you delkmon (don't mean to speak for all you other guys, just from what i've read of everybodys over time has led me to believe that) but none the less I would love to see the bucks they pull off the mountain. It's just fun sein freak/huge deer like those ones.
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Whats the deal with these tags? I havent ever heard of them. Do the tag holders get special access to restricted property or game refuges or something?
the gov. tag can hunt any unit in utah. it seems to me that everyone on here that complains about everyone that has money and buys a tag didnt earn there trophy. i can already see this thread draging guides into the picture and saying that cause some rich guy buys a tag and hires a guide he didnt earn his trophy. i dont know very many people that if they had the kind of money that the guys that buy these tags do, that they wouldnt go buy a tag themselves. thats all you ever hear when the words "gov tag" is brought up is some rich guy that doesnt earn there trophy they just buy it. it's really starting to get old.
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In my opinion the measure of success you have when you do it yourself on public land is far greater without a guides assistance.

It's a complex argument with a lot of variables.
In my opinion the measure of success you have when you do it yourself on public land is far greater without a guides assistance.
daveytech i do agree with you fully. the only thing i disagree with is that everyone thinks that they can measure the success of the hunter, i believe the messure of success is in the own hunters eyes.
You have no idea how hard that "rich guy" might have worked to afford that tag,get real,any of you that could afford it would buy it.
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Huntin for life,
This is my first time ever posting on this subject.

I have no problem with a person that wants to use an outfitter for his or her hunt.

I do have a problem with the super rich person that just wants their name in the record books without doing any of the work.

If I had the money to buy the Governors tag I can assure you that I would not hire a small army of guides to find the biggest buck possible, and then show up for the kill shot after the cameras are in place and the light was just right. But that's just me. I'm sure there are many shooters out there who wouldn't have a problem doing so. Maybe when you get into that tax bracket you lose your integrity. I'll probably never know.

Not argueing, JMO
i am sure if i could buy on of those tags there is no doubt that i would buy one. and i dont even have a problem hireing guides but i would be out there right along side them scouting and even on my own scouting just cause i like to be out in the hills.

i just like to keep the conversation going. it seems like since all those bulls were shoot on the archery and rifle hunt the debts on the forum have started to die down a little.

but since this topic was taken way off course of the original question. her we go again.

Anybody on this site know if any GOV deer tag holders have connected on any monster bucks? Usually by this time someone in Utah or AZ have collected something real special. Thank you
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Wow, that was a whole can of whoop ass. I think nonya nailed it on the head with his response that probably everyone of us would buy the tag if we had the means. Would most hire an army? No! Would most put the head in the record books? I'd bet fewer than we think.

One other comment: I'd bet most of these gov tag holders work their ass off so they can afford to do this type of hunting. Most are not Ted Kennedy's who inherited their fortunes.
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Hey all! Just thought I'd chime in too.
I for 1 wouldnt hesitate one minute to buy one if i could afford it.
Heck I'd hit every states tag if I could, but I cant, So I,m just happy these are made available cause most states give them to wild life groups to auction off such as MULE DEER FOUNDATION, ROCKY MTN. ELK FOUNDATION, SCI, SHEEP FOUNDATION and so on. So my feeling is them taking one deer is helping a whole herd(which is more than I can do finacialy anyways) and my opinion dosent mean beans to them and its them who live with the fact that if they didnt realy help with the hunt and werent realy involved except for the shot then was it realy their hunt.
So back to the topic . Any news? Better yet Any pics.?
you all have missed the point of the tags. Last year the elk and muledeer tags here in Az put over $260k into elk and deer habitat, so if two rich guys want to help[ the deer and elk with their money i say great. Helping habitat is great for you and I. Just look at everything that has been done in unit 13a in az over the past 10 years.
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even if i had money to buy a gov tag i wouldnt.
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If you had the greenbacks what would you do with it. Buy property? Give it to the homeless or possibly tithe it to the church? Just curious????
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buy some property :thumb
"gilamonster8" wrote:you all have missed the point of the tags. Last year the elk and muledeer tags here in Az put over $260k into elk and deer habitat, so if two rich guys want to help[ the deer and elk with their money i say great. Helping habitat is great for you and I. Just look at everything that has been done in unit 13a in az over the past 10 years.
Good point. However it's how that money is used that bothers me. Here in Utah they decided it was a great idea to plant a food plot right next to a busy highway. This section of highway allready has a high number of deer vs car accidents and this is not going to help any.
sometimes Utah game dept Are idiots