GPS Recommendations
8/8/05 11:09am
This year I am going to purchase my first handheld GPS. Any suggestions on a great one? Looking to keep the purchase under $200 if possible.

8/8/05 1:52pm
Garmin etrex.....user friendly, reliable, fair price.

8/8/05 3:44pm
I have an etrex as well. Excellent unit. If you use radios when you hunt: I have a Rhino 110 as well. Both the GPS and radio are great.

9/1/05 3:48pm
I personally think that if you can go with a price range of about $250 check out the garmin rhinos..... they are awesome not only are they a GPS but thet are also a two way radio. A couple of people that we hunt with have them and they are great you can actually judge the distance of how far another person with the same radio is from you. You can also track your trail you walk on and log that in so you can go back to the same spot. They have 3 models out right now the 110 120 & 130 the 110 i think is about $200 and the 120 is $249 That is a pretty sweet setup if you ask me.