just got my email from Nevada, THE GREEDY SUCKERS WOULDN"T GIVE ME A TAG!!!!!!!!! :222 :222 so far i'm skunked out of every state thats drawn. really ticks me off this nevada deer tag was my one i thought i had a fighting chance for! :222 :222 :222 next up--- new mexico,oregon and idaho. please somebody give me a tag!
Killer, if I had my say I'd give ya one....but as it now stands you're outta luck!

Good luck with NM, OR, and ID. I have to wait until August until I find out if I'm any luckier than you've been (I highly doubt it though!).
ah, i'm not REALLY mad, but man we all know the excitment about to find out , oh baby this is gonna be the one, then you read
"DEER-unsucsessful,ELK- unsucsessfull, sheep-unsucsessful," and so on and so on. but what do you do? grin and bear it! and hope for the next one! i really dont plan on drawing lots of tags,i usuallyput in for hard to draw areas, but one of these days i'm gonna read" deer-- SUCSESSFULL,elk--SUCSESSFULL,sheep-- SUCSESSFULL" :thumb
anyway, my next tag i'm thinking i might draw{ like my nevada deer tag, where i thought i really had a fighting chance} is a november muzzleloader hunt here in oregon. i should have a 76% chance[ I MEAN COME ON , CAN'T A BROTHER GET A BREAK THESE DAYS???] it's the same hunt i went with a buddy on last year[posted good oregon buck] so with any luck thats my good tag. but it dont matter to much, my main hunting is general archery and its a blast, it's what i plan on hunting forever except the times i draw the COVETED tags.
Don't feel bad, I'm a resident and didn't draw. All were Muzzleloader hunts except for sheep. Looks like I'm going to Logan again out on he Cache. I usually get a nice one there all the time anyway! It might end up for the best. Hey, Utah has 12'000 General Season Tags for Northern area. I'm buying one on Thursday. This was my email

Dear Troy:

Thank you for your recent applications for the Main Big Game Draw & PIW Draw. Here are your results:

Amount Applic Depr Tag Predator Available
Paid Fee Fee Fee Fee Refund Explanation
Res Antlered Elk (4151, 4156, 4161) -
28.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 3.00 10.00 UNSUCCESSFUL DRAW (PIW SELECTED)
Res Nelson Bighorn (3151) -
23.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 10.00 UNSUCCESSFUL DRAW (PIW SELECTED)
Antlered Mule Deer (1331, 1341, 1371) -
23.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 10.00 UNSUCCESSFUL DRAW (PIW SELECTED)
I didn't draw any tags either and I put in all muzzleloader except for my last choice which was archery area 10 as a resident for deer. Not to mention I put in for every other game species available. Oh well, theres always Idaho. fatrooster.
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:>/ I know the feeling!
That sucks. Good luck.
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I finally got a Muley tag after three years, did get a archery tag for a cow last year though. If it wasn't for Utah or Colorado, not many Nevadans would be able to hunt.