6/11/07 8:29pm
just got my email from Nevada, THE GREEDY SUCKERS WOULDN"T GIVE ME A TAG!!!!!!!!! :222 :222 so far i'm skunked out of every state thats drawn. really ticks me off this nevada deer tag was my one i thought i had a fighting chance for! :222 :222 :222 next up--- new mexico,oregon and idaho. please somebody give me a tag!
Good luck with NM, OR, and ID. I have to wait until August until I find out if I'm any luckier than you've been (I highly doubt it though!).
"DEER-unsucsessful,ELK- unsucsessfull, sheep-unsucsessful," and so on and so on. but what do you do? grin and bear it! and hope for the next one! i really dont plan on drawing lots of tags,i usuallyput in for hard to draw areas, but one of these days i'm gonna read" deer-- SUCSESSFULL,elk--SUCSESSFULL,sheep-- SUCSESSFULL" :thumb
anyway, my next tag i'm thinking i might draw{ like my nevada deer tag, where i thought i really had a fighting chance} is a november muzzleloader hunt here in oregon. i should have a 76% chance[ I MEAN COME ON , CAN'T A BROTHER GET A BREAK THESE DAYS???] it's the same hunt i went with a buddy on last year[posted good oregon buck] so with any luck thats my good tag. but it dont matter to much, my main hunting is general archery and its a blast, it's what i plan on hunting forever except the times i draw the COVETED tags.
Dear Troy:
Thank you for your recent applications for the Main Big Game Draw & PIW Draw. Here are your results:
Amount Applic Depr Tag Predator Available
Paid Fee Fee Fee Fee Refund Explanation
Res Antlered Elk (4151, 4156, 4161) -
28.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 3.00 10.00 UNSUCCESSFUL DRAW (PIW SELECTED)
Res Nelson Bighorn (3151) -
23.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 10.00 UNSUCCESSFUL DRAW (PIW SELECTED)
Antlered Mule Deer (1331, 1341, 1371) -
23.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 10.00 UNSUCCESSFUL DRAW (PIW SELECTED)