Grizzlies coming to Utah??

Todays Paper.
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I am curious as to what your guys opinions are of this, cause part of me thinks it'd be cool to reinstate Grizzlies, but then another part says that is a bad idea because of the effect on mule deer, elk, and livestock. I know wolves being reinstated has caused major problems in Idaho and Montana for deer and elk. Well I guess I have heard, not I know cause I haven't actually seen evidence of this.
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How are they endangered when we have Alaska?
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Interesting article. I don't see it happening but if it did I think grizzlies would have less of an impact on the deer and elk heards than the wolves do. I'd be more worried about my own safety a little more if I knew there were going to be grizzlies around.
Grizzlies are doing well and gaining in numbers wherever the Canadian wolves have established themselves.
Mostly because of leftovers, the wolves kill far more then they can eat.
Don't look for the grizz to come into Utah until the Canadian Wolf packs are established.
mapleton archer
From what i hear they are gaining strength here in Utah.