6/4/07 12:17am
This was the highlight of my weekend! " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

I have only seen one grizz.
Last year on our Bou hunt in the N.W.T.
and could not shoot with my camera but got him on video.
This particular bear was about a 100 yards away. It was actually a sow with cubs, but the tall grass and rocks made it almost impossible to see the little ones.
The camera I used was the Nikon D40.
We saw the bear by the Dunraven Pass (East side of the upper loop) at about 3:30 or 4:00 pm on Sunday the 3rd. I was told that right before we got there she ran off a few sheep. I first thought that the ones you photographed were them. However, you said you saw the sheep on the East entrance road, which means they were different.
The grizzly we saw feeding on the calf elk was not far from Mammoth Hot Springs. It was probably about 1:30 pm.
I have seen a Grizzly eating a Caribou when I was in Alaska, it was neat to watch! Amazing Animals!