gun for my mama

im lookin for a good starter gun for my mom. if eny one nows of one send me a p.m.
I know a guy that is selling a 2506 and a 22 250, let me know if either of these will work!

I already have a perfectly good mom. I'd take a gun for my mother in law, I doubt anyone would give me one for her. Most folks I know want to dump theirs. :222
"nuttinbutchunks" wrote:I already have a perfectly good mom. I'd take a gun for my mother in law, I doubt anyone would give me one for her. Most folks I know want to dump theirs. :222
Dude, that's funny right there! I would trade my mother-in-law for one of those cork pop guns at Cabelas.....both are annoying but the cork gun is a little less so...

I would think any non-magnum caliber would be fine for your mom. My mom shot a 360 bull a while back with a .270 and she did just fine with it. With a lot of the light magnum rounds available, you could get away with a bigger gun and still have it be enjoyable to shoot.
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I have a .270 we could discuss. It's been shot 20 timesish. Great condition.