Gun Prices
m gardner
1/31/09 6:57am
I've noticed that gun prices have been crazy. So when I saw a Kimber Custom II for $739.00 last week I bought it and tucked it away. The same dealer had another this week. So I figured I'd buy it because they'll be better than money soon. :thumb It was $939.00!! :-k It either was mismarked or they got greedy. It won't last long though with the bargain basement 1911's going for $650.00. Got to go to Walmart early today. They were getting a load of $14.50 for 50, 45 ACP's in last night (according to insider info) and I need to be one of the first there. :-$ Guess I'm getting as nuts as the rest. lol lol Got to go to Ebay now to see how the bidding is going on the Danner Acadia Desert boots I've grown to love is going!! Man this is hard work.
But yes, gun prices are ridiculous