gun size or cal.
7/15/08 3:09pm
=D> i feel that a 243. cal is plenty of gun for mule deer hunting however my 16 year old ,,who drew a tag in so.idaho doesent think so. those famous buddys of his know more than dad, am i being a nerd or should i get a little backing from you guys out there.????? thx dad.
There is nothing wrong with the .243 Win for deer. Out to 300 yards it will kill deer as dead as any magnum and be a lot cheaper to shoot. It will also work great as a varmint rifle in the off season, allowing the shooter to become more intimate with the gun, learning what it will do at different ranges. If he is leaning towards a magnum, I would definately take the .243 Win.
Now, if your .243 Win is a varmint gun or heavy barrel configuration, I would get a new gun. I have no desire to carry a 12 pound gun mile after mile, over hill and dale looking for a deer.
So, either tell him he can use your 243 or buy his own dang gun . lol . . . or else just use it as a reason to buy a new gun! Sweet!
I have seen deer killed with smaller calibers and have killed them with larger calibers.
If you hit a deer in the lungs/heart with a 243 it will surely die, no two ways about it, dead is dead.
If you want it to drop in his tracks, well use something bigger and heavier . . . a 460 Weatherby Mag would do it for sure. But who in the heck wants to shoot that round???