Had an old Remington kicking around

I had an old 722 Remington in 244 with a shot out barrel. I had the local gunsmith put a 243 win. barrel on it and blue it. the old stock is cracked so I found a nice one on eBay and bought it. I'll put a Williams receiver sight on it and one of their firesights up front. The stock is made for iron sights and it points well. I have a Sako extractor coming to replace the original which is iffy these days. It should make for an easy to carry light rifle effective to 300 yards on deer and for survival. Best part is it cost me a case of 9mm ammo and $70.00 cash so far. Another $50.00 for the sights and it's done. I'll post pics when it's finished.
Looking good, keep us posted on the final product. I like the price tag also.
Well done! I love projects. Make sure and post your final creation.
I have an old 722 in .222. it is probably the most accurate gun in my closet. I have been thinking about working it over.http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t31/oldCP/7221892001-1.jpg" alt="" />
Those are both two good looking rifles. Can't wait to see them when they are finished.
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Are we getting old or do we just own old rifles? lol
Mine is a hand me down, but I do love old guns. this one belonged to my grandpa and now it's mine. I still don't know what all I want to do to it. Refinish the stock, new optics, work the trigger over and maybe put an all weather finish on the barrel. It has to get in line though. My model 70 25-06 needs a stock and a scope.
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That will be a nice rifle. I love the .244/6mm Remington though and I would have had a new barrel in 6mm put on it. Still a nice rifle though.
I love the Remington 721 and 722. I really like what you guys have done to yours. Has anyone out there turned a 721 30-06 into a .338 before? I know it shouldnt be very hard, just wondering. -Leo
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The way the stock is made the 30-06 kicks like a mule. I had to sight my cousin's in for him before the season. I couldn't imagine shooting one in .338 win. mag. or even the 338-06 A-Square. Remington made a 725 during this same time period and was chambered for magnum cartirdges I believe. The 721 would need bolt face and magazine alterations for the bigger case. The 338-06 would fit your rifle's action and magazine and has lots of power.