Had some good luck

So I usually disappear and re-appear from time to time on this site. Most of you know me the new guys might not. I haven't posted any of last years photography or successful harvest pics. I have quite a bit of catching up to do.

The Story... So I scouted these bucks all summer.. got them on pictures and video. Was really hoping to get a shot at one of these boys in velvet. My brother showed up a few days after season started. I had some close calls with some nice ones, but the one I was holding out for just didn't give me the shot. The first day my brother was there I told him to sit down and not to move until he was ready to draw on one. About 30 minutes later I could see him sitting in the open while I was trying to bring down a nice 10 point... what the heck, I put him in a prime spot and he can't even sit still?!? Well about 10 minutes after sitting him down there he shot this one at 6 yards. He was just sitting next to it when I walked up to ask him why he can't follow instructions. To say the least his first muley with a bow will be hard to beat. And his brother (ME) is giving him the second best spot to sit this year and not my spot again!!!
Great buck especially for his first bow kill! Congrats and thanks for sharing the short story and pics! :thumb
Good to see you back, been a while. :) And YES you sure had some good luck. Sweet buck. Congrats to your brother. 10sign:

Now lets see some more pics/video.
yea that would work just fine!! congrats to him on a great buck, and even though it wasn't you, i'd bet it was still a good acomplishment for you knowing your scouting paid off :thumb
Sweet buck and some good beginner's luck! :thumb
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Nice buck, nice pictures and nice story! Congratualtions x3!!!
Nice first buck! What a good brother you are. :thumb
Awesome man....congrats to him......and welcome back!
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That's a pretty deer!
Mark :thumb
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The buck he got was no. 3 on our list of ones we wanted... at 6yds he wasn't one to pass on though. This buck was tied for first on my list . This pic is from a video sorry for the quality but its no.3 the one my brother didn't pass and neither would I have. ha.
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So here he is back from the taxi and on the wall. It's the original velvet w/ character marks and looks like he did a pretty good job on it. What do you think... any of those three make P&Y? Which one do you think scores the best. The middle tall one?
Is is August 21st yet?! Those bucks are awesome. I've always loved the look of Muleys in velvet. Hoping to be able to get me one of the big boys I've been following for 2 years now. Those pictures are getting me super excited! Congrats!

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