Had the Chance and Blew IT!!
9/14/11 9:22am
This is my first year bow hunting. I have hunted hard almost every evening after work. I only get about 2 hours to hunt so I have to work hard to get onto bucks. Well Opening night I was about 45 yards from a nice 4 point. He never presented a shot and never saw him again. I am hunting a different area now. Since then I have spotted a 4 point twice and a 2 point twice. Where the 4 point is holding up it makes it difficult to stock him. Well as I have been driving out each night I have spotted 3 different bucks. A really wide and tall 3 point. I have only seen him one time. Thats it. THen I have seen another 2 point and a nice 2x3 a couple of times. Well I decided that last night I was going to go set up above this little draw, thinking it was the draw these bucks are moving down to cross the road. Well as I was moving in I spotted the 2x3 buck bedded down and staring at me. I ranged him. 40 yards!!!! I moved a little to my left. I could see his whole body and where his front shoulder was. I waited a few minutes for him to stand up, but he was getting really nervous. His head was up and he was looking around and his ears were going nuts. So I took a chance and drew back and let it fly!!!! I barely shot right over his back!!!! He got up and did not run off, he just kinda trotted away. I watched him go all the way over the next ridge. He did not seem spooked at all.
UGH It is frusturating.
So since he did not act to scared do you think he will come back to that spot to bed down again? I went back this morning and he was not there.
UGH It is frusturating.
So since he did not act to scared do you think he will come back to that spot to bed down again? I went back this morning and he was not there.
I missed a buck this year in his bed. The next evening, I found him browsing no more than 100 yards from where I missed him. If he likes the area, he might stick around.
Ill just keep at it and hope to run into him or another one soon!
Keep at him... I agree with MuleyMadness, it sounds like he's pretty comfortable in that area so he probably won't go far. It also sounds like you have a couple other options if you can't find him again.
Best of luck to you.
Well I remember what you all said about he would be back in the area. So then I started walking further down where I had seen other deer. I was walking on top of a ridge and it was steep the bottom where there was a ton of sage brush. It was about 30 yards down. I got into a spot where it was not a real steep angle and I sat for a bit. I kept hearing something below me, I could not see it though. Plus it was not moving to much, every few minutes. It sound like a mouse in the grass pretty much. Then I thought to my self, should I sit here and wait for about 30 minutes until dark or go explore a little more and see if I can find any thing else. As soon as I turned around and took on step I heard him. He was hopping away at this time. He was sitting 31 yards right below me in the brush. I could not see him though.
Oh well I ended up coming upon 3 little bucks. Just little two-points. So the deer hunting is put on pause for the weekend, as I am heading to Island Park to go after elk. Then the story will continue next week. Hopefully with some pictures then!!!
I'm in Island park again chasing elk. No luck so far