half body mule deer mount question?

I shot a nice first muley and I want to get it mounted. I think they are beautiful animals and i wanted to preserve that as much as possible without doing a full body mount. have any of you done this and did it turn out okay? my wife would not appreciate a full body mount in the house. haha. any info would be great. thanks
I've seen one and it didn't look very good. I don't know if its because I'm am used to seeing only shoulder mounts, but it didn't look good and I would recommend a shoulder mount. Congrats on your buck.
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ya thats what I was affraid of. its a good idea anyway
I have seen it and I think that it would look fine as long as you have some vegitation with it. having one just come out of your wall standing there alone would look alittle weird i think. I say go for it.

I searched it on google and i kind of like it, its a whitetail but same concept