10/8/10 10:54am
Halibutaddict IMO is becoming more and more of a problem his language is sometime offensive to memebers of the forums and he is rude and slams peoples post constantly, I have asked him to please be aware of forum rules and to refrain from being disrepectful towards other members.
Brett this is your site so the end decision is yours, but I am fed up with this guy :>/ and his bad attitude it is like Nonya reincarated.
Brett could you please send this guy a warning or something, cause he sure heck does not care what the rest of us tell him.
Brett this is your site so the end decision is yours, but I am fed up with this guy :>/ and his bad attitude it is like Nonya reincarated.
Brett could you please send this guy a warning or something, cause he sure heck does not care what the rest of us tell him.