Hamblin Valley

Hey guys how's it going? I was wondering if anyone has hunted mule deer in hamblin valley? Im going to try to make it out there this year and get away from all the other hunters. thanks
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there wil be hunters there, trust me!! there are more and more people going out there. Really overall deer numbers are quite low, but with some hard work you can kill em out there..
What hunt you going out on??? The only thing I would be wary of, if you are going out muzzle loader, or rifle, expect to see a ton of people... It is no secret anymore... The amount of deer is very low, and you can not see anything for days... But if you do go, good luck
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Im going on the rifle hunt. Ive hunted out there a few times with my dad, but that has been over 10 years ago. This is the first time in 8 years im going hunting. Ive had a few game cameras out in some other places, just havent seen anything worth shooting. But thanks for your input
I've heard there are about 4 million horses out there....I think they eat the deer (???) They need to have a horse hunt....
Your not going to see anything in that valley right now anyways... The deer are going to be either on nevada side or actually on the peaks... If you are going to hunt their don't be suprised if you eat tag soup. It is a great unit, but doesn't favor anyone who won't get off their 4 wheeler and be willing to hike super steep, bed rock, through thick sage and pinyon trees for a few miles. If your not in shape I would get in it. And prepare to glass a lot. Not trying to scare you but it is very very hard hunting, the wild horses, cattle, elk and predators don't allow a huge population of deer.
I've hunted there two times and have taken 4 points on both trips. It's weird, because it's some of the best habitat in the country and hardly no deer. The other thing is, the Pinion is so dense and some areas flat that it's hard to see the deer. You'll be able to see why they can get so big. Everyone told me the same thing they have told you. I prefer a challenge and thats why I like to hunt it. I don't have to see a lot of deer to hunt an area. I just need to know I will have a chance at a nice buck, which that area offers.

The other thing, is they are so spooked. I've had Game Wardens tell me that that area is heavily hit by poachers. Good luck and follow your insticts. If you're a good hunter, you'll find them and you'll have a deer that you can apprecitate for years to come.