Hard work dogs

Here again, we cut a small bob. :-k I would have never seen it. I was very lucky I saw it and check it. boy it was so light bob. couldnt see any better trax than that. Here we treed again and again. =D> I thank my dogs for working hard. I am grateful. :not-worthy I give a 10sign: to Blackberry, Elmo, and milk. I gotta go chase more...

Looks like you are having fun. Thanks for posting. 10sign:
Keep em coming, great looking dogs and nice Bob also. 10sign:
Good looking dogs!
I still have 4 tags to fill, Snow is so deep up here its hard to get anywhere. We are having a heck of a time.
I still have 4 tags to fill,
You guide? That's a bunch of tags...what areas?
You can buy up to 5 bobcat tags. You have to buy a small game licence and purchase the tags for $5.00 a tag.
I guide my younger brothers but they dont think its to funny when ask for the guide fees!
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Hey antlersOutWest, I am coming down to hunt with ya! :thumb I wish!!! I just treed recently weekend I will post pic when I got chance.

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Hey here we treed another bob, before I went bed there is a huge storm then I woke up went for driving down got fresh cut bob so I went back home get my dogs bring it down and turn them loose. Treed about 2.5 mile from road then I walked to a treed wow it was BIGGEST tree I ever have been. I couldnt see bob up there and cant use my 44mg DANG, so I left my dogs allow them stay there and went home get Hem17 rifle with best scope then hour later back and I almost cant find bob and almost decide to go get chain saw and cut the tree down lol but good thing I contiune looking around and finally found bob hiding top then shot it about 80 to 100 ft fall wow it was tallest EVER! U see a blackberry and milk holding at biggest tree, I wonder if my dogs saw bob on ground before bob decide to climb up Obviouly dogs was pay attention hard UP there!! Unbelieveable tallest tree! =D>

mulybow. :thumb
Id be happy to take you... Sounds like you are having more luck than me tho..
What parts are you from? Looks like WA or OR. Id pack up and move there in a heart beat, love that country.I have alot of family up there. Grandpa hunted lion & bear his whole life up there.
I plan on going on the hill this weekend, Hopefully cut a track or two. I have to get my gall badder out Tues. Ill be stuck home for a while :>/
Happy Hunting..
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Hey ya I live in Wa, and I have frined live in Or that where I stay there and hunting out there. My buddy is out hunting this weekend down there with two other guys from Or. He will let me know how it go. We dont hunt here in wa. I totally love hunting in Or. PLENTLY bob. I know a guy who live down there treed more than I know. I wanna move down there! but I have a lot family up here. DANG!
I will pray that Lord will heal u well and hopefully get u back on chase soon... I need to sell one of my old house before I start to PLAY HARD. I havent sold my house for 9mo and I already bought another. I was DUMB! oh well. I get to play little only got 8 bob treed and only shot four this winter. HARDLY for me to get out and hunt when I have two houses.
Hey if my house sell I WILL EMAIL U and come down! How many dogs u have?! :thumb
We are down to 3 right now. My little brother is going to mechanic school and doesnt have alot of time to hunt so ive been on my own lately. I usually take my black and tan and black and white ( Border Collie) hounds out... You can laugh .. My border collie out beats the other hounds. she has a great nose on her and usually beats the other dogs to the tree. Makes me proud!!
two of my good friends pretty much adopted me and take me hunting alot. They have 13 hounds right now.
Thats alot of fun to go with them. this last fall we had all 13 out and they split into 3 groups and had 3 different bears treed in 3 canyons at the same time. That was a rough day. Alot of chasing. we all came off the hill dragging our butts.
Thanks for the prayers. Im sure ill good to get out on the hill by the weekend if not ill fake it... All the bucks are droping like crazy and have to beat the guys on the hill! :))
What part of WA are you from?