Has anybody?
2/9/08 10:56am
Ever had a bow explode in the press? Just wondering cause i went to a pro shop today to get it set up and right when it was put in the press it blew up.

2/9/08 2:05pm
Never had one crack in a press before. When I was practicing on day I had my upper limb crack while I was at full draw. I heard this pop and my arrow fell to the ground. I let the bow down and was wondering what had happend when I noticed that the string was off of the top pully. Upon further inspection I noticed a hairline crack that went all the way down the side of the limb. I didn't realize how close I was to being seriously hurt. I hope that they get your bow set back up soon so that you can start practicing.That way you can come back from the dark side of the muzzy hunting. lol

2/9/08 2:14pm
lol ya a_bow_nut the feller at the shop said he would call up pse and get me a new limb and oh come on, muzzy huntin aint that bad.hahaha lol