Has Nothing to do with the subject But!!!

This post has nothing to do with this sight.
I have been doing some figures and I was wondering Where is every buddy That has signed up to post?
There has been 158 people that has signed up but has not made one post!!!
Whats up with that?
There are 63 people that have signed up but have only made 1 post!!!
Whats up with that?
The top ten poeple that post on this sight Are:
1. MuleyMadness That has made 302 posts.
2. WHYMULEYMAN That has made 170 posts.
3. BOHNTR That has made 161 posts.
4. shedhunter That has made 147 posts.
5.AGCHAWK That has made 106 posts.
6.Danthe2pointmuleyman That has made 87 posts.
7.akw270 That has made 58 posts.
8.shorty That has made 57 posts.
9.Whyomingtrophyhunter That has made 54 posts.
10.wrmdmkr That has made 50 posts.

I appricate all of you for your info and thanks.
I am sorry that this has nothing to do with this but i am just courious!!

Thanks Shorty
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:-k Thats because there's alot of different forums that alot of the guys you have on your list and even me frequent different forums hey now I have 2 posts pretty soon i'll be a four point like everyone else.
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Ya i know and all the others have 5 milion people one them to.
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I don't know but we need to recruit some new blood. I think it's because no one (including myself) have anything too interesting to talk about. Also most other forums have a lot of fighting and arguing on them, this one doesn't. :-k
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i agree with wrmdnkr about the other sites having nothing but peole who think they own the place yelling at people and just arguing. muley madness doesn't have that and what do you say we keep it that way