Hd Spotting Scope?

I am in the market for a spotting scope. Is the HD feature worth it? From what I read, the clarity of color may be a big benefit, but someone told me the other day that it is just a new selling point. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Unless your taking pictures with it your not goint ot miss having the HD model that much.
"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:Unless your taking pictures with it your not goint ot miss having the HD model that much.
i agree 100%
When you go to buy one, just take them both out... Go at dusk when light is low. You will be able to see the night and day difference between the regular and HD lenses... No matter what the brand or model. The glass is that much better... Plus they are only usually a few bucks more.
I personally could not see the difference in the Swarovski HD and non HD and I compared in full day light until dark. I was actually trying to give the HD an edge but could not see it. That being said, I do plan on selling my non HD and getting HD because I want to digiscope. Everyone says that the difference can be seen in pictures but I'm not sure about that. I guess I'll try it out. fatrooster.