Heading out to Californias X3B
10/14/10 4:50pm
Im heading out to x3b for the last few days of the season. I have been to broke to hunt this year and was saving all i had for hunting at my dads in Wyoming but I drew the tag and was able to spare a little for a few days of hunting. I have never hunted here, any suggestions on where to look would help. I was told to try blue lakes so thats where my boy and i are going to start.

Springville Shooter
10/15/10 8:46am
If you still need a spot, PM me. I've got a couple that have panned out in the past.---------SS

10/20/10 8:37pm
I hunted up near patterson and blue lake. hiked and hunted hard saw 38 does but no bucks not even a spike california really needs to make these x zone tags either sex

10/20/10 8:46pm
Man you have an excellent CA tag.There are some monster bucks out there,if you need some help let me know I know a couple ranchers in Likley that know the area very well and have killed some giant bucks up there. :thumb