Heads Up On Deer Unit in Oregon
For The Love of It
4/15/09 10:12am
In 2008 my father was the only non-resident to draw the North Juniper Muzzeloader hunt in Oregon. He had 13 points and went home empty handed. If you look at the stats in Eastman's, and The Huntin Fool they say this is one of the better unit s in the state. The area is rather small in size and we covered it all. for five day I looked through a spotting scope trying to find a good buck. We saw plenty on deer on the refuge area but none that we could hunt. We were very dissapointed with the hunt but thats just the way it goes sometimes. So for anyone out there saving their points to hunt this unit I would be a little leary. Just thought I would throw the advice out there.
Killerbee; Let us know what you find out about how other peoples hunts go on that unit if you dont mind :)