Heavy Rifle

We got a new digital scale a while back, so I weighed my rifle tonight. It came in right at 10.0 lbs. I always new it was heavy but now I know why the recoil is so light. lol
I'd like to know how much some of your rifles weigh?
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Mine is about 12, but it's a long range rig so that's pretty normal, and my dad says I'm young and stupid enough to carry it!
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Once I add a bipod, sling and scope, my .308 comes out to be around 10 -10.5 lbs. I've been chasing elk with it this past week and haven't really noticed it much. It's probably due to thinking that I'm young and invincible!
Springville Shooter
My 25-06 AI comes in at 9.2 fully outfitted and loaded. My 7 Dakota is 10.5 ready to go. My new customized Vanguard in 300 Win is just under 9 lbs and has the kick to prove it.--------SS
While carring my rifle all day, I really don't notice the weight but my shoulder does start to get sore at the point where the strap puts all the pressure. I sure love the recoil though.
Man that is Heavy Ridge, I couldn't pack that weight around but must be nice shooting. :)
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My Tikka T3 lite in 300wsm comes in at a little over 6 1/2 pounds and you can tell it when you pull the trigger. Its nice for long hikes though.
My 7MM RUM Sendaro comes in at around 11 pounds when it's decked out. With the muzzle brake I put on it there is almost no kick at all now.
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I like a little extra weight... it sure makes shooting more enjoyable. Packing it around in the field hasn't been too bad either.
I really don't think 10 lbs is heavy at all when you are talking rifle, scope, bases and rings. My lightest rifle is a Tikka T3 that weighs 6 lbs 9 oz bare bones unloaded. A decent scope is going to be 20 to 30 oz and then with ammo, rings, bases, swivels and all the little things will add up to another 2.5 - 3 lbs so even that rifle will be 9 lbs easy.

I have seen a few guys carry monster rifles in the back country, I'm talking 15 plus pounds. That is overboard for me mainly because those are bulkier weapons anyway.

My two main hunting rifles with medium contour barrels weigh right at or just under ten lbs unloaded.

I know you can make some really light weight rigs but the very best of them I have seen give up other things like accuracy, overall comfort and stability in shooting, etc.. Trade offs.