
I was wondering what the law is for helmets when minors are riding on fourwheelers do they have to wear them on all roads and is there a specific helmet that they have to wear
I dont know, but when i was little i flipped a go-cart and well I'm glad i had my helmet on, cause right where the crown of my head would've been on the helmet was a big ole red chip in the helmet(from the seat bar) the cart didnt have no roll cage(which was a good thing)

Always safety first no matter what
Does the helmet have to be approved or does any helmet work
Here is some info I was able to look up.... not alot of info out there that I could find.


41-22-10.8. Protective headgear requirements -- Owner duty -- Penalty for violation. (1) A person under the age of 18 may not operate or ride on all-terrain type I vehicles, snowmobiles, or motorcycles on public land unless the person is wearing a properly fitted and fastened, United States Department of Transportation safety-rated protective headgear designed for motorized vehicle use. (2) The owner of an off-highway vehicle or any other person may not give permission to a person who is under 18 years of age to operate or ride on an off-highway vehicle in violation of this section. (3) An operator and passengers of off-highway implements of husbandry operated in the manner prescribed by Subsections 41-22-5.5(3) and (4) are exempt from the requirements of this section. (4) Any person convicted of violations of this section is guilty of an infraction and shall be fined not more than $50 per offense.

Hope this helps
Thanks that is good info