I found this site during some research and thought someone could be of some help. I'm from PA and looking for a place to go for a first trip hunting out west. This is a trip my father,brother,and myself will be going on all for the first time. This hopefully will be the trip of a lifetime for us together. We are leaning toward mule deer / elk. Maybe a combo hunt ?
Does anyone have any recommendation on guides/outfitters? Any help
would be appreciated.
Welcome to the site. I need a bit more info.....archery, rifle muzzleloader??? High country pack in or places that have a road system? What sort of shape are all of you in and most importantly, how much time do you have to hunt?
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We are looking for a rifle hunt..probably 5 days ?? I don't think we are looking for a high physically demanding hunt. We are looking to avoid horseback...Maybe we are asking for alot :-k
Yeah, that's asking a lot. If it's with a rifle, you're past most of the draw dealines to go this year. There may be a few leftover tags in CO and ID in tougher to hunt units.

With only 5 dyas to hunt, I'd seriously consider an outfitter and/or trespass fee situation for private land acess. If you do that route, there may be some landowner tags available as well. Look at Garth Carter's hunting services (huntin fool) and see what's available. He can help. Good luck
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you can go over the counter in WA and I can guide you BUT NO Garentee shoot me a PM and a #. Jim W
There you go......what I like about this site.....still some good folks. Very generous offer there wttax. :thumb
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The offer is great. Thank you. We are looking for Fall 07 though that is why I'm starting some research now. We are looking for an outfitter/guide. I thought someone here might have some good refrences for me to look into. Again thank you guys for the help. :thumb
Do you know what state your interested in? What is your budget? Here is another useful site.
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We are open right now on states to hunt. Budget is something in the air right now too. We would like to get a nice hunt without selling our homes but I realize you get what you pay for.