Help, Colorado unit 61 archery elk

I have an achery elk tag for unit 61. I'm looking for some help!!! I've never been to the unit and any help would be great. I live in Utah and plan on heading down for a couple of days each week to hunt. Also, I plan on hunting, the last two weeks of the season. Thanks for the help.
6x6 bull
Don't have any first hand info but a friend of mine that lives in Montrose, his buddy drew this tag last year and he hunted around Norwood. He finally shot a 330 bull the second week.
6x6 bull
Forgot to wish you the best of luck on one very good tag. Nice goat and that tag you must be living right. How many points did it take to draw the tag.
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It took me 0 points!!!!!!!!!!!! I have friend that just moved to Grand J......... His only lived there for two weeks. He has a 62 archery deer tag.
How did you get a unit 61 Either sex archery tag with 0 points it takes a 9 point minium for a resident and a minium of 12 points for a non reisdent.
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LOL, I got an landowner tag last week for the unit. I only have 6 points in Colorado so I'll never draw the tag.
well that may jsut be money well spent some great bull for Colorado come out of there every year