Help me

Just sitt'n here wondering on something. Ok i'm moving to Bozeman, MT in 2010, and was wondering what caliber should i use to hunt with(rifle). I like a 270 cause it shoots flat, but the bullet grains consern me, seems like a 150gr is the biggest they make.So what i'm asking is "what caliber should i get(Its gonna be a remington gun).and i'll be hunt'n anything and everything with it cept turkeys.

If your wanting to hunt some bigger game animals maybe get a 7mm or 300 for some knockdown power, but your 270 will do the job, just get them in the "boiler room"

"9er" wrote:If your wanting to hunt some bigger game animals maybe get a 7mm or 300 for some knockdown power, but your 270 will do the job, just get them in the "boiler room"

:thumb right on :thumb
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When I put the 150 grain Grand Slams in the right spot my 270 win. works just fine. Yours probably will too. Unless of course this is a thinly disguised plot to get a new rifle. :)) Then you'll probably need a 300 mag of some sort.
MGARDNER, you hit it right on the head of the nail, i'm trying to use this to get dad to get me a new rifle(Remington sponsors our race team and we get 25% off :thumb )

OHH BTW what size scope do you fellers use?
one hunting fool
I shoot the 30.06 its a great all around gun and you can get shells for it everywhere in the world and i do mean everywhere. I call yotes and use mine and still would take it to kill grizz if i had a mind to.