help me out here!!!

Im moving to veyo,utah from jersey theres a hell of a diffrence in the species lol. Iam a small game and whitetail hunter.If i could get some advice on how to hunt muleys and elk that would be great and if anyone knows the area that would be even better to get a tip on a great hunting spot. Thanks.
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The first tip I can give you is once you get to Utah get your rifle out and start practicing. Practice as much as you can out to 300 yards or so. It will make a huge difference come fall. Also look into to getting a good set of binoculars.
jersey boy
well I just bought a 30 06 this summer and i have a range finder and binocs i got a lot of crap i just dont know how to hunt muleys or elk i have an idea from watching it on t.v but i know theres more to it then what they show.
Gotta be in good shape. No sittin in tree stands out
Get a bunch of good public lands maps and some good hiking boots,spend all summer scouting just like eeryone else does out west.
Start hiking. The more deer you watch the more you will learn. The hiking will get you ready for when you have to bring him out on your back. :thumb If you start now you will be ready come hunting season. Also mule deer are harder to pattern than whitetail. They will frequent the same areas so scouting prior to the hunting season is key.
jersey boy
another question how does the tag thing work like how do you get the tags?what are the laws like out there? the house im moving to the person were getting it from said theres monster mulies come to the back yard would i beable to shoot them or should i find where there coming from?
All tags are on a draw system if you go for a northern tag you get it almost everytime as far as the deer in your back i would shoot them with my digital camera and leave them there to come and look at i have deer in my back yard and my kids like to look at them also it wouldnt be much of a hunt to me i like to get out on the mountain with friends and family good luck
get a good pair of hiking boots as soon as you get here. then spend all spring and summer breaking them in looking for good spots. like nonya said just like everyone else does. there are very few of us out here that use treestands there are a few though. oh yes i forgot make sure that you get in shape because the elevation change will take its toll on you at first.
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All that info sounds great, but where the heck is "Veyo" Utah"? ](*,)

I've lived here 41 years and never heard of that!! (???)
lifetime hunter
Veyo... correct me if I'm wrong..... is North of of Hwy 18 half way between St. George and Enterprise

the easiest part about hunting deer down there.... is drawing a tag! (and that ain't easy!)
jersey boy
great my luck is i wont get the tag ](*,) But if i do i will use all your helpful tips thanks if theres anything else let me know please.
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jersey boy wrote-

"im a jersey boy becomin a utah boy!!!"

Skull Krazy say's "i'm sorry". =D>

Just razzin ya a little jersey, welcome to utah.

Utah is a pretty good place to live....especially if you have 4 wives!! :))
jersey boy
LOL tahts funny stuff but alot of people when they think of jersey all they think about is the city and where i live is just woods upon woods upon woods and i hunt all the time i actually just got back from being in the woods its shotgun for deer. So im sure im gonna get called a city boy or sumtin out there. But honestly how nice are the people out there because theres some real ------ out here!!
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I saw your other post and know your not afraid of using your bow. In Utah you can buy a bow tag over the counter, but since you are a youth if are able to draw out a rifle tag you can hunt all three hunts (rifle, muzzleloader, archery.) Elk tags (archery, muzzleloader, rifle) are also sold over the counter for some units, but your chances of killing a big one are slim.

The good thing about Veyo is it is located at the base of the Pine Valley Mountains. You can hunt deer and elk with out going to far from home, but that to comes with a catch. You will diffinately have to do some scouting!
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Put in the Time, And then Put in more time. And when you think you have put in enough time, put in more. Most hunters show up the moring of the hunt and walk out on a ridge and shot the first thing they see with horns. You can't shoot a big buck if you are shooting all the little ones! Let them go, let them grow!

jersey boy
yea but next year i wont be a youth anymore so does that make a difference???
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As long as your 18 opening morning of the bow hunt your good.
jersey boy
darn im only 16 im turning 17 in february why do i need an adult with me for bow or can i atleast hutn with a rifle? by myself in jersey you cant hutn with rifle but with shotgun im allowed to go by myself. This isnt looking good it looks like i need a hunting buddy when i go out there lol i cant wait a year i love huntin to much
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Yeah I kind of forgot about that you are supposed to have some one at least 18 with you. So you probably better look for a buddy, hopefully you'll make a friend that is a senior that is 18 in your school (Dixie I'm guessing?)
jersey boy
Either dixie or enterprise which ever is the better school? Do alot of people hunt out there?
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Over near Enterprise I've been told there are a lot of hunters, and I think Pine Valley has a few too, but that is something you'll have to get used to out here. FYI Enterprise is a lot smaller school than Dixie, but I believe they are both good.
jersey boy, you will be living within some of the best mule deer country in the world, 50 miles in any direction. Lucky sucker. =D> Good luck.
The Ox
enterprise is tiny and the high school is 7-12 grade its a small school and last i understood its a little hard making friends there so dixie may be better its a bigger school but your choice. there is definently some good bucks around veyo,enterpriseand gunlock but tons of hunters everywhere but its like that everywhere around here but it just adds another challenge to hunting
Go to Dixie, class of 92 for me. :)

Great Mule Deer Country all around you.