Help me pick out a 1911

I've wanted a pistol for a while and last week I started my pistol training with the Beretta 9mm, I qualify on Monday and can't wait! Anyways, All this time down range has got me dying to get my own. And having always been pretty pissed (even though it happened before I joined) about the change to the 9mil from the .45 I want a nice .45 to shoot every time I go home.

So - I need some advice. I'm looking to stay under $800.00 which shouldn't be too hard to do, of course the cheaper the better but 800 is about the most im willing to pay. When I say the cheaper the better though I still want a good quality pistol (obviously).

I've heard Taurus is good, Springfield Armory I haven't heard a lot about but I love the looks of them having seen them online (The mil-spec, GI.45, and the Trophy Match are impossible to decide between!!!). Any other options, tips, advice, whatever throw it out at me - I'm gonna make this happen this week though (well - hopefully, If I can get my dad to spot me and buy it and ill pay him next time i'm home since i'm still 19 :>/ )

Thanks all - I know there are a couple of you on here who have some experience with handguns. Unfortunately I don't know a lot when it comes to these though.
Does it have to be new? Or good quality used?
good quality used is fine kinzysdad - and Chet, you think it would be worth it to spend more and buy a "better quality" or more of a name brand one? I'm really not sure what the case would be, If the quality really is better or not. Or if some have better guarantees or anything than others. Let me know what you think.
IMHO, I'm not sure where you are stationed but if you have the chance, you should go "fondle" as many brands as you can. I've read several times in these forums that most of what you get is someones opinions. Not that thats a bad thing. I dont want to offend anyone. lol You will be much happier with one that fits you best.

Once you find a brand, let us kow. I can then start doing some checking and see what I can find for ya. I have an inside track at a Pawn Shop. And he will guarantee the gun to operate as it should. :thumb

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If you are training with the Beretta "crunchenclicker " you may want to look at the same in a 45 ACP. If you develop a feel for DA for the first shot and SA for consecutive shots and making it safe by decocking you might want to not crosstrain at this point in your carreer. Which may end shortly if you bobble the pistol while trying to stay alive in combat. The Beretta is lots wider too being a double stack as opposed to a single stack magazine. Go look at some different pistols and shoot some if you can.
P.S. You need to grow to love the weapons you will count on in combat and learn effective ways to use them. I did. My son did. He carries a 45 colt now. Before he had the Taurus/Beretta clone until he finished his obligation to the U.S.
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Kimber, gunbroker, good luck.
I've got a Springfield Armory mil-spec and can't be happier. Got it for a coming home present to myself when I got back from Iraq a year ago. No one can beat SA's warrantee, though some can match it I'm sure. If you go with SA, bypass the GI and get the mil-spec if you want one that "looks" like gov't issue. The improvements are well worth the few extra bucks.

Here is a website that may help you decide, anything and everything to do with 1911's:

I was in the Navy when the .45 was still in service and was more than unhappy when the military changed to the M92.

Just a quick peek at mine:
buy a kimber and stop worrying about the price..... :thumb
oh and make sure you get a pretty one too....
chet likes pretty 1911's almost as much as he likes mooses!!! :)