Help me with a load for my TC Omega Z-5

In Colorado it's against the law to use sabots. We must also use loose powder. My Z-5 is a .50 Caliber, 1/28 twist.

So far I've been told, to use a longer conical or powerbelt, minimum 348 grain. I've heard good things about the platinum powerbelts. I'm planning to hunt Colorado elk this fall with it and might be hunting Utah, if I draw my Wasatch LE MZ tag.

What would you guys recommend for loads?
Wish I could help you out but I'm still trying to find my load for my Knight .50 cal. I didn't do any hunting here in MS after I got back because I could never find the time to go to the range and work something up. I'd say start at 90 grains and go up from there to about 120-130 grains and find out what your gun likes. At least that was my plan. Of course, I haven't even picked out what bullets I wanted to try.
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I haven't tried the Platinums but I was very disapointed in the aero tips 2 years ago elk hunting Colorado.
My buddy and I both used them and although we both killed bulls the penetratrion was less than stellar.
I would hate to have a bull at 80yds.
We do use them for whitetails and have never had a problem.
As soon as I got back I started to investigate a new projectile.
I bought some "No Excuses" on line(great reviews). I haven't had a chance to try them yet, I will post when I do.
Hope this helps?
Just my 2 cents.
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Powerbelts are good, and the 245 grainer I killed my muley buck with this year smacked the snot out of him. I can't see any reason to go heavier than 300 grains. Hornady came out with something similiar to powerbelts, but without the plastic thing. It will have a higher b.c. and likely be more accurate, as it isn't as underbored. I'll also bet it performs better on game. You should check it out.

Where did you see the Hornady bullet? There is nothing on their site other than conicals,sabots, and round balls.
I had pretty good luck in my omega with a 338grn powerbelt platinum and 85 grns of 777 powder. Was able to get good groups by spit patching in between shots.

"southwind" wrote:UP7,

Where did you see the Hornady bullet? There is nothing on their site other than conicals,sabots, and round balls.
Is this it?
I would say that is it, That may be the ticket for for muzzy hunting in Colorado Hiker. I could not find that on their website but I did not download the 08 catalog either. That is real interesting!