Help me with application info.

I have tried to make a Microsoft Excel thing that has all the info on as many states as I might be interested in as far as hunting applications goes, well I've got a fair amount of info on it but I was wondering if there was a way I could post it on this site that way any of you who see it could help me fill in the blanks on the stuff I am missing. Do any of you know how I would post a microsoft excel page on here? If you do and it's easy let me know how, or if you know and don't mind doing so I will e-mail it to you.
This has been kind of cool to have, I think it will be more so once I get more and more states on it and more information.. It covers prices of tags, prices just to apply, application deadlines for different species in different states, and I have a section for the current year to let me know that I applied that year, and how many points I have for what species in what states, etc...
Like me, I wouldn't be suprised if some of you would like to have ALL of this information just saved on your desktop like I do, it definitely does come in handy and most of all is just convenient to not have to search for all of this every year. Well if I find out how to post it any of you are more than welcome to steal it from me and keep it for your own record too, but I think I could get some good input on here and not have to look so hard on all the different state websites to fill in the missing blanks on my spreadsheet. Thanks all!