Help needed for the Wasatch Archery Buck 2014


Im pretty new to bow hunting for the last three years. I am wanting to hunt the wasatch this year 2014. Looking forward to hunting from opening through the extended for the rut. I have never hunted this area, and was wondering if anybody had some good info on what i am looking for or getting my self in if i draw of course. I would like to get my self on a decent 150-160 inch buck this year.

If anybody is in need of info for Archery Bull elk for Fish Lake I can help with any info i can give you. I drew a tag last year. I have hunted elk a lot up 9A for over the counter elk tag, and Fish Lake. THis will be my first year hunting big bucks with a bow.
You can PM me any time and I'll give some pointers. Be prepared for a lot of company on the mountain.
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Did you draw out? I'm new to archery hunting too. I hunted the extended season last year (barely!) and it was tough, steep terrain and most places you have to be above the 5600 elevation line to be outside of city limits. 1) there's a lot of people up there, hunters, hikers, mountain bikers, horse riders, people with dogs, you name it. 2) I saw some good bucks up above pepperwood and over by corner canyon (about 1-2mi south of cherry creek draw). I wasn't looking for a "trophy" buck (I rarely do with any animal) but also saw some good shooters above the park between Little Willow Creek and Big Willow Creek. It's steep and thick up there, but the people, IMO, are better and more open to hunters than those who think corner canyon is there own personal park. PM me and I'll send you a map of the routes I took and the general location of where I saw some bucks. I work nights so I might respond late.