Help scoring

I'm terrible at guessing scores in the field. We couldn't decide if he broke his G2 on his left or if just wasn't there. I know the pics aren't that great, but if anyone would like to take a guess for me. :not-worthy My buddy has a tag and he couldn't decide if he wants to take this deer when the season opens. Thanks for your help!
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What tag does your buddy have? Is it all about the score for him? This buck looks to be a 140 class buck, but tough to tell from the photos. Respectable for most people, especially on a general unit. Good luck on the hunt.
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No he has shot deer smaller than this one. The score doesn't really matter much to him. We were just trying to figure out about how big he might be. He has a general unit tag, so I'm sure if he gets the chance he will take this one. Thanks for your input.
Looks to be either broke off, or looks like a little tiny point like he tried to grow a G2 but didn't quite pan out. :)

Looks fairly young still
Actually he has a G2 on BOTH sides........remember the G2 length is measured from where it leaves the main beam to it's can never have a G3 point without G2 (on same side).

As for the size of the deer......he's a young buck, IMO....that would measure in the 130's.
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Thanks for the replies. Do you think he is 3 1/2 or even younger than that?
Based on body size and antler mass....I would say 2.5 to 3.5 years old.
I agree with everything BOHNTR has said.
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Thanks for the input. Still plenty of time to try and find a better buck before opening day.
Too hard to tell from these pictures. Regardless, it looks like a young deer. He could have some potential in 2-3 years.
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Yeah young buck. I would say everyone is in the ball park on score. Too bad he won't make it another 2-3 years. :( :>/
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I must be easy to please because I wouldn't pass on that buck!