Help with a school report? haha

so here's the deal. We have these "senior projects" we have to do and we need all kinds of information and sources for it. For my career I chose Full Time Hunting Guide or as im gonna title it "A true wildlife conservationist" I have all the info I need just cause it's something ive always wanted to do and im always talking to people about it, but that doesnt cover the part about me needing internet, magazine, or book sources that tell about starting my career or any information on how to be a hunting guide or what it takes or some lame thing like that. I feel that if I have the information in my head i shouldnt need to list resources, but my teacher feels otherwise and being a student I have to play by her rules for now (I might add she's an anti and tries to make this as hard as she can for me.. its still easy though)

so my question is this; doesn anybody have any sort of information they can give me to help me out? All I really need is to find a website or two, or a magazine article or book that talks about how to start a career being a hunting guide or that talks about guiding hunts as a career.. I've looked around a lot and can't find anything, i only have the information in my head (not that I dont have enough to BS a report like this, but i just need to write down 3 web adresses or books/magazines for my works cited page)

thanks to any or all whom can help!
How about these...
I had a teacher last year that i had to write a report on and she was also a anti. so i wrote the report on hunting and just cause i wrote about hunting she said it wasnt appropriate for school because "its to violent" so i was ticked when i had to rewrite the 20 page report on something else
bigbuck - that SUCKS!! sorry to hear that man, haha..

Last year I had to give an oral book report in class - being the retard I am of course I chose "Death in the long grass" by peter hathaway capstick.. a favorite book of min,e ive read it several times. and if you know anything about capstick you'd know right off that I had some GREAT passages read out of the book, haha. It was a 10 minute oral report.. i kid you not after 2 minutes the teacher said "alright alright, we believe you that you read it" peer pressure took over as the kids in my class all wanted to hear more, so I reminded her of the minimum time limit of our presentation and kept on truckin - I dont think it was even another 2 minutes before she stopped me again and said she'd give me an A if I sat down, =D> .. I got a crack outa that and took the deal.

so anyways, she took that punishment so I think she'll allow me to hand in this report as it has nothing about man eating lions being fought off with coke bottles in it, haha. Still, thats too bad to hear about your teacher. although mine is still very much an anti, she does a good job with understanding she has to be open minded in the classroom, and i respect her for that (i didnt have the built respect before the book report, lol.. sorry to ehr for that. but i did get that A :thumb )

wow - well anyways.. Brett: I really appreciate you lookin into this for me! The effort is GREATLY appreciated. I too have run across all kinds of different guide schools in my search but cant really find any information I could use unless I took the course. As a last resort I'll definately be writing some of these sited down on my works cited page and just hope she doesnt check the sites (she seems to have it in for me so id think she would - but i think that there about hunting and she'd be afraid to see a dead animal she might not check em) still.. id prefer to be safe and have some sites that really do talk in detail about starting up a career as a guide, what to take into consideration and such subjects.. but if (and probably when) i dont find these i'd like to thank you ahead of time for basically writing my works cited page for me, haha.
lol ya some people cant stand me even talking about hunting. lol and its way harder trying to date a vegan i know from experience. lol it didnt turn out to well or last long.haha
DATE A VEGAN!!!!!! that must've been some serious sacrifices you thoguht you were willing to make. yikes - i apologize if im hittin a soft spot, but i think its for the best that didnt last long :-k .

thats quite a story though! I think you've got me beat with that one :)
ya lol im glad it didnt last long either.haha

Have you thought about contacting your local fish & wildlife resource officer? they should be able to set you up with the agency that is responsible for enforcing regulations in regards to outfitters and guides. they should also be able to get you some current regulations on what a guide or outfitter has to abide by. you might even score some interview time, and a ride along for your report. the next best source is to contact a guide in your area. let them know your doing a report for school on outfitting and guiding. i'm sure there would be more than one that would be willing to help you out. also. remember that your touching on a very sensitive subject with the "anti's". handle this with an open mind. if you can intelligently express your passion for the sport, you may open a few eye's. if we can change the openess to one, it may trickle into the mindset of many. the more you can edgucate yourself to their opinion, the better you can argue your side of the equation. if your fully aware of your enemies tactics, the better prepared you are to defend your stance. so learn as much as you can to the anti's thoughts, and edgucate yourself to those beliefs. you'll be better and more prepared to defend your beliefs if ever questioned or confronted. did you ever think about putting in your report a section on outfitters or guides that have been arrested for illegal activity? maybe throw her a bone to show that you are aware of those that cross the line and give hunting a bad name. you never know. showing your awareness of the negative, could reenforce your positive. just food for thought. good luck! ??? :thumb
live2hunt - you bring up a couple great points there.. never thought to get in contact with the DWR or someone around here about regulations our outfitters have. i'll be looking into that. I also love the thought of sneaking in a little bit about poachers who give the sport a bad name and talk a little about how they aren't true hunters and give us all the bad name or something like that, i dunno - still brainstorming on it from just reading it.

great input though, im glad i ended up making this post =D>