Help with Antelope???
5/30/07 7:48pm
This year I am going to be hunting antelope in Colorado with my bow. I was wondering how people hunt antelope with a bow. Or any tips any one has for me.
Stickflicker is the guy here to ask.
My cousin to this nice buck on the same trip.
Also during the rut Antelope bucks become extremely aggresive and will not tolerate other bucks trying to breed does so decoys tend to work well.
Antelope do tend to have a fairly small home range, particularly during the rut. If you can, spend some time learning the home range and escape routes of the buck(s) you wish to hunt. It doesn't hurt to spook them a time or two, to see where they go when they are spooked, as long as you do it before the season opens.
The rut will vary by area, so I would expect that someone from Colorado could help you more than me as far as the rut in your area. In Arizona it tends to be mid-September to later September. Like the elk rut, it can vary in timing and intensity a little from year to year as well.
The great thing about antelope hunting, is that you can often see antelope at all times of the day, and aren't limited to just morning and evening hunting like you are for most other species. Try some things, make some mistakes, it's all part of learning and creating great memories of the hunt!