help with my new camera

ok I broke down and bought a new trail camera.. its a stealth cam 8 hd, and i can not seem to find a mount on this bracket.. i see the camera has a tri-pod hole for something to screw into but that does not seem to be what i am looking for. the metal bracket that came with it had a heavy steel cable and a place to lock but nothing like screw holes for it to mount to a tree. anyone have any experiance with this model and what i can do?
1HF- It might be no help, but I have an older stealth cam, mine has what looks like a regular screw in tree stand step, the type you buy for 3 bucks and just screw in by hand- but the end that does not go in the tree is threaded to screw into the camera the same way you attach a tripod to a spotting scope.
Yours might be totally different, I don't know- but maybe that will help. If not just call sportsmans or cabelas or wherever you Bought it, I'm sure they'll get you lined out
one hunting fool
sounds like what mine has but that does not make it very safe in the woods