Help with New Archery Setup

I am going to buy a few things for my new setup. So far I have a Bowtech Old Glory with a no-name drop away and sims s-coil(awesome for 300 bucks) and a trophy ridge mantis v-drive (30 bucks) Next thing I need to decide on is a release. I want a scott little goose, but rod or nylon connection? What are the pros and cons of each and why, or is it just preference? Next thing, Carbon Express Maxima vs. Easton Nfused st epic or axis. Last question, do I clip my release on the string or go with a string loop? thanks.
here what i think, although there are others that probably can help more, first i'd say a string loop. less where on the string. second, scott archery makes great releases. last, i use the easton axes and love them BUT... i've heard great stuff on both of the other 2 you mentioned. so i dont think you'll go wrong with any of the 3. good luck and lots of practise.
oh and take pictures to share...........
Good advice killerbee. I also like the GoldTip arrows.

I have several releases that I sell that are quality products. IMHO it is a matter of what 'fits' you, and we all 'fit' different.

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you get alot more consistant release with a string loop...I would look really hard at the Axis Nanos and GT XTs...By far PRO website has the best prices, and I look at 7 different sites to find the best deals...