Helping those around us in need during the holidays
12/19/07 10:48am
I know that most of us have a tight budget during the holiday season (or all year for that matter), but there are always those around us in our communities who are far worse off than we are.
As I was reading back through a trhead on another site about how the members of the site pitched in to help one of the members who was going through a really hard time last November I was reminded how a simple gesture of kindness can be all a person or a family needs to turn their attitude and outlook around.
This past week I was made aware of a website that is based on the idea of random acts of kindness and helping those with a specific need locate those with a specific skill who may be able to help them. The website is called and it was started to give churches and youth groups a place to look for service opportunities. You can search to find a church in your area by clicking on Find My Church. Then if you can search for a church in your city. Then you can log on and either add a need which you may have or you can offer to assist someone who has posted a need. You can also add a skill that you may have which you feel might be able to help someone in need even if that specific need has not been posted yet. It is all confidential.
I just thought some of us might enjoy giving a true gift during this season to someone who may never know where the gift came from. It may be just what someone needs to give them hope during this Holiday Season and in some cases it may not cost you a dime. It may be as simple as helping an elderly person put up their Christmas lights etc.
I hope that you will all consider doing something to help those around you if you are able. If you have a need. Please post it to give others the opportunity to help you through your situation.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. Thanks for reading this far if you did.
As I was reading back through a trhead on another site about how the members of the site pitched in to help one of the members who was going through a really hard time last November I was reminded how a simple gesture of kindness can be all a person or a family needs to turn their attitude and outlook around.
This past week I was made aware of a website that is based on the idea of random acts of kindness and helping those with a specific need locate those with a specific skill who may be able to help them. The website is called
I just thought some of us might enjoy giving a true gift during this season to someone who may never know where the gift came from. It may be just what someone needs to give them hope during this Holiday Season and in some cases it may not cost you a dime. It may be as simple as helping an elderly person put up their Christmas lights etc.
I hope that you will all consider doing something to help those around you if you are able. If you have a need. Please post it to give others the opportunity to help you through your situation.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. Thanks for reading this far if you did.
Please check it out.