Henry's buck

Here is a pic of the infamous henry's buck.
dang he's pretty
thats a good looking setup he's shooting too. Is that a 700?
Not sure. He is a machinist for Christensen arms, so i am pretty sure he made it himself.
WOW! Mega mass, trash, and width to spare...WHAT A BUCK!
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HOLEY S%^&!! :222
DANG!! Very nice!!
Wow. That is a fine looking animal.
Good grief, what a Muley! Awesome, congrats to the hunter.
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That is a nice buck. =D>
Congradulations!!! =D> =D> :thumb
big ol buck for sure i know the guy who shot it so i am sure i will be able to really see it and not in pics.
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That's another absolute monster!!
I have pix for four monsters from the Hen's this year and i break out in hives looking at them all....but only because i have 11 points and there's one down there wearing my tattoo. :thumb
"skull krazy" wrote:That's another absolute monster!!
I have pix for four monsters from the Hen's this year and i break out in hives looking at them all....but only because i have 11 points and there's one down there wearing my tattoo. :thumb
Next year buddy!

I grew up with the Christensen boys and have a few cousins that work at the plant in Fayette, I guess I have been gone from South Sanpete too long since I don't know anyone in the pictures.

Great buck, and like skull krazy said, there have been some monsters killed on the Henries and a few other LE units this year.

This buck is a resualt of what you get when you dont shoot a yearling....Let Em Go.. Let Em GROW!!!!!!!!!
I am sure it has nothing to do with limited tags and genetics at all does it???

If you limit the tags as much as they do in the Henry's you could probably find this caliber of buck anywhere.

Nice buck!

"The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, But the mouth of fools spouts folly." Proverbs 15:2
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:-k kissen cousin?
dang, somehow i missed this whole thread ](*,) those are some bruiser buck! one quwstion-- what is the "infamous buck" all about?? is there more horrer stories on this one?? i sure hope not, that is a toad and would sit proudly on my wall :thumb
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That gun has a Remington action and a christensen arms carbon barrel. Anyone know what he scored? I heard he was like 42 wide.
utahpredator_7: You are right on. This buck was measured at a whopping 42-inches wide (13X13). They have rough scored it at around 234 gross non-typical! What a beast!

Killer: I guess there are some folks that were upset about how the harvest went down.
I was NOT there and only know what I've read or had emailed to me so the following is by NO MEANS gospel.
Apparently some of his buddies were out in the field on horseback (either working or scouting) and spotted this monster buck. They knew that he held the tag so one of them road his horse back to the rig, drove to an area with cell service, and called him about it while the others kept an eye on the buck (I hear it was about a 3 hour trip to within cell phone range). Well, the lucky guy grabbed his tag and hauled his rear out there. They were able to locate the buck again and the rest is history.
My thoughts....I don't have any issue with it whatsoever. First off, he didn't pay 10's of thousands of dollars on a tag or guides. He drew the tag just like anyone else would be able to. Second, I wish I had friends like that!

Anyway, it is an AWESOME buck! Heck, I woulda passed out if I had harvested him.
i dont see much wrong with that either (???) it would be different if a guy had paid the thousands of dollers and sat at home until the phone call came. and had planned on that being the way the hunt went,but if you have a tag, and the fortunate opertunity came up , you would be a fool not to take advantage of it.
I can see how it would steam someone who worked hard and didn't harvest a buck, but as a hunter I can't look down on the way it was taken (if that is the truth). I think it's awesome for one hunter, to call another hunter to tell him to come shoot a monster record buck! Many hunters wouldn't say a thing in hopes of getting to shoot it himself. Others would poach it out of season (I wouldn't call those real hunters). Heck, certainly not any worse than how we hunt whitetails here in Texas. Sit in a box blind, feeder<--(Dinner bell) goes off and the deer come running...It's not always as easy as it sounds, but it's not quite your traditional spot and stalk hunting. As for me I've actually hunted more sitting down by a tree than in a blind; or walking a creek bed...
Very nice :thumb