Henry's scouting trip. {UPDATED}
7/26/10 12:47am
Finaly got a chance to go down and look for a buck to chase this fall.
Was a little late getting in to get started.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/Henrys%20deer%20scouting/IMG_0491.jpg " alt="" />
Getting started.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/Henrys%20deer%20scouting/IMG_0506.jpg " alt="" />
After watching the deer finish up eating and bedding down we got up on the ridge and moved in on some of the nicer buck to get a closer look. As we come over the ridge to we were surprised to find this drift.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/Henrys%20deer%20scouting/IMG_0492.jpg " alt="" />
Moved down in on this buck and watched him for awhile. It's at this time I found out that my camcorder was completly dead and of course it's the one that has the better zoom so I was stuck with the small digital camera.
Hope that you can pick him out.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/Henrys%20deer%20scouting/IMG_0496.jpg " alt="" />
One as they got up to leave.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/Henrys%20deer%20scouting/IMG_0499.jpg " alt="" />
And one more.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/Henrys%20deer%20scouting/IMG_0502.jpg " alt="" />
After a couple more miles of hiking we decided to head back to camp and shade up through the heat of the day.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/Henrys%20deer%20scouting/IMG_0566.jpg " alt="" />
It's getting late so the rest will have to wait. lol
Was a little late getting in to get started.

Getting started.

After watching the deer finish up eating and bedding down we got up on the ridge and moved in on some of the nicer buck to get a closer look. As we come over the ridge to we were surprised to find this drift.

Moved down in on this buck and watched him for awhile. It's at this time I found out that my camcorder was completly dead and of course it's the one that has the better zoom so I was stuck with the small digital camera.
Hope that you can pick him out.

One as they got up to leave.

And one more.

After a couple more miles of hiking we decided to head back to camp and shade up through the heat of the day.

It's getting late so the rest will have to wait. lol
Headed out to scout for the afternoon and started seeing bucks right away.
Found this group early on in the afternoon over on the east side of Mount Ellen.
A closer look.
And another.
As I was watching the first group more deer kept coming over the ridge.
Then I worked my way around to the west side of the mountain to look for the last hour of light.
Found one that was worth a second look. After looking closer I noticed that this one is getting a cheater on his left side.
Also found this buck in the same area. Spent a bunch of time watching this one. He has some good forks. It will be interesting to see where he ends up.
Now that the sun was down it was time to head back to camp.
Lets save just a little for tommorow.
The hunt starts Oct. 23rd.
Talk about a long drawn out summer.
found a managment buck.
Here are some pictures of the area that all of these bucks are living in.
What is they say high alpine bucks?
Sorry about how fuzzy the pictures are.
I made a bracket to mount my small digital camera to my spotting scope to take pictures but when I crank the magnification up to 60X itgets a little fuzzy.
That's some good looking Muley country you got there.
And some fine looking Muley Bucks.
I was doing good until I went on this trip now it seems that deer are all that I can think about now.
We never did see any of the brutes that you see the pictures of but we plan to keep looking. Spent this last weekend looking over the northernend of the unit soon the next trip we will head south.
I hope you score big my friend! Good luck and I can't wait to see photos from your next trip.
PS: heading south might turn out productive :thumb
Hoping to head back down next weekend to continue looking for a monster to haunt my evey waking moment for the next
Would you mind posting up some pictures of your guy's deer if you have some? Always love seeing peoples trophys.
By the way if you are gonna look around pennell and hillers ya might wanna spend most of your time on the fourwheeler. There were some crazy flash floods goin on and alot of the roads are a little washed out. It was awesome watching a wash thats usually almost dry have a 10 ft deep river come down it. we got lucky and couldnt have missed it by more than an hour. Just another fun memory :not-worthy
Thanks for the pictures.
They have had some rain since I was down last time.
Found some bison for my brother (treetop) to chase on his hunt in November.
We saw a bunch of nice deer again but not the monsters yet again. Travel was limited by all of the washed out roads. It's been interesting to see how much more growth and trash has shown up in the last three weeks.
Will get one more scouting trip in in the end of September when we are down for my buddy's muzzy hunt.
Hope you have enjoyed this so far.