Henrys buffalo
10/3/07 8:39pm
My neibor drew this awsome tag this year. He has been down scouting a few times this year and has asked me to go with. I was wondering if any of you have any advise on where and how to hunt this area. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any help you can give.
I hope this helps you also.
Couple words of advice-
#1 bring friends, your going to need them. (or hurry and make some!!)
#2 Bring the biggest gun you can. Last guy i hunted them with used his "trusty" 25-06.....ummmm, didn't work out so well. :nono:
Enjoy and good luck!! :thumb
Thanks for the info. Those are some great tips and I'll definetly be putting them to use. I can use all the help that I can get so pray for me and I hope to be posting some pictures here in a couple of months.
Good luck bow-nut, let me know if i can help ya more!! :thumb
I've allready put in for the last three weeks of the year off. I just hope that we can find them and get into a good shooting range on them. xcrossx
Which hunt did your neighbor draw?
My dad drew the Nov. 17th hunt, so I will be down there right before you. Shoot me a PM around the first of December before you leave and I should be able to give you a bunch of info.
Thanks Torch
Good luck on your dad's hunt.