Herding up yet?

Anybody seen any areas where the elk are herding up yet? It's probably too hot still in most parts around here, but when does it typically happen. Mid to late September or is it something that happens occasionally in late August?
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I haven't really seen any bulls with cows yet, its been bulls with bulls and cows with cows still from what I've seen although I have heard a few bugle.
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Yeah me too, hoping it starts up early this year.
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The elk around Strawberry are herding up pretty good...Saturday, I saw 3 bull with about 6-9 cows each
"wapiti67" wrote:The elk around Strawberry are herding up pretty good...Saturday, I saw 3 bull with about 6-9 cows each
Good deal, hopefully that means that they are doing the same a few miles away in the are I hunt. That reminds me, I still need to buy an elk tag...... Man, too many things going on to keep track.....
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"That reminds me, I still need to buy an elk tag...... Man, too many things going on to keep track....."

That might be a good thing to do... lol My brother went inot CalRanch and asked for a Archery Elk Tag, They sold him a Spike Only Elk TAg...he didn't think too much of it until I was notching mine and he asked why it was different then his...I looked and they had sold him a "General Season Spike Only". =D> ..in other words a rifle tag....I told him to hightail it back to camp and put his bow away... #-o
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Wapiti67, funny story but not if it happens to you. You never can check those things too many times. Like having your release with you. That scares me to death, I always check about 10X too many. Better safe than sorry.

Good news about the elk herding up near Strawberry. What has the temp. been like up there?
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gets pretty hot during the day...80's, but theres been frost on the ground the last couple of mornings...and last Sunday Mornig we heard a nice Bugle about 3am....getting better everyday
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I saw a pretty big herd feeding near the Moose-Wilson Rd. in Grand Teton Natl. Park the other night driving home at just about dusk. Best I could figure there were about 20+ head of elk. Couldn't see if there were bulls in there. Heads down feeding away.
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went on a drive yesteray thru thetop of 48-49 came back thru bottom of 49-50 .one nice bull w/ a dozen cows at the top of fish creek res. good luck. rick