Heritage Safe Gun Safe Giveaway Photo Contest
7/26/10 10:12am
To support hunters and hunting in general Heritage Gun Safes is giving away a Citadel gun safe to the winner of this years photo contest. All entries are welcome. You can go directly to the photo contest by going to http://www.heritagesafe.com/contest-demo2.html to enter the contest. Good luck to all who enter the contest. With the hunting season just starting this year we are excited to see the new photos as well as hunting photos from previous years. Submit a photo, vote for the photos you like best and get all of your friends and associates help you get the most votes because the photo with the most votes at the end of the season will win the Citadel gun safe.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!

8/1/10 7:58pm
So it's more about a popularity contest first off then a good photo contest secondly. :-k

Springville Shooter
8/1/10 9:26pm
AND THE WINNER IS.........the photo with the hottest chick. Congratulations.-------SS

8/2/10 8:43am
Haha, thats pretty funny. I know that the photo with the most votes will win the gun safe so in a way I guess it is kind of a popularity contest but I think the thinking behind it is that a good photo and story will naturally bring more votes and those who work to spread the word about the contest and get their friends, family, facebook friends, and coworkers to vote on their photo will have a lot better chance of winning the safe.