Herriman pond

Decided to go hit the neighborhood pond today and keep practiceing with my 8 year old he decided last year he wanted to buy a fly rod and learn how to fly fish he did ok last year he caught some blue gills but today he caught two small rainbows all by himself on a #12 Prince nymph he was happy as could be my youngest fished with worms and got one small bow and a cat fish ill post a pic of my oldests first rainbow on a fly i took it with my cellphone so its not the best
Practice = perfect. :)
AWESOME! CONGRATS to the youngster!
I hear you 7mm. The first fly rod fish for the youngster is an awesome one. My brother put together a father and sons backpack trip into the Uintas last fall. My 7 year old came along. Here he is holding dinner. One of the fish was his first ever fly rod catches. What a proud dad moment it is when they cast and bring one in without any help.
I had the kiddies there at the cove a few weeks ago.... windy and only one small albino....
Did they put cats in there already? or do you think it survived the winter?
Chet ive seen some cats floating but most survived from what i can tell we have caught a few already not realy trying for them they have only stocked rainbow and albino in there as of now