Hey Ho

I'm the newby here, although I am not new to muley stalking by any means. Just happened to find this site whilst cruising the web during my lunch hour today. Hunted for many, many years around Oak Creek, CO with Arnie and Dixie on 300 acres right smack in the middle of the mighty Cross Mountain Ranch until those fine folks got old and had to sell out and move to town. The muley and elk hunting there was comparable to the $10K-per-gun hunts at the big lodge, except our price was a couple days of firewood cutting and a little Arkansas 'shine. Sweet deal.

We now hunt speed goats, elk, and muleys out of Shononi, WY, sponsored by a local rough 'n ready outfitter. Another sweet deal but tags are about impossible to draw. We have been lucky dawgs and drawn something for the past three years. This year we got some very coveted deer tags for a fairly nearby area. The territory up by Thermop is legendary and after last year, we know why. Big Louie still lives (we hope). Most certainly a 48" six, he is the craftiest buck I have ever hunted anywhere. Stalked him every day for five days.....or should I say he stalked us everyday for five days. I have never had a buck toy with me like he did. Hope he is still there. He should be: we closed the season watching him give us the slip. Sure beats our local whitetail hunting, sitting in a stand waiting for a buck to come bumbling along.

Enough babble. Just thought I would sign on and say "yo". I look forward to hanging out here from time to time and seeing what I can learn from you fellers. Thanks for your time.
Welcome wyomingtrophyhunter! Glad to have you aboard and look forward to your posts!
"48" six" your kiddin me!! If that's the case, then he must me the biggest deer left on planet earth. :)

Good to have you aboard and glad you stumbled across the site. Look forward to your stories, photos, etc.
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Yeah, I know, unbelievable.

This honey-hole is like nothing on the planet earth. A microcosmic deviation in the high desert, it is unlike any habitat within hundreds of miles around. Buck/doe ratio at least one to one...maybe better. Lots of really bizarre non-typicals, many eunuchs still in velvet until shed. I don't know if this place was a secret nuclear test ground of those aliens that are depicted in the area petroglyphs or what, but it is truly like a remake of "Muleys from Outer Space". :shock:

I am no native from out west, and being from Ar-kin-saw, you may suspect I am a graduate of the Bill Clinton Liar's Academy. I nonetheless stand by my observations of this buck and his domain.

On October 31st of last year, he was running with four other bucks, none of which were slouches. When we finally had them cornered, he sent the others out of the hole one by one like a well-timed flanking maneuver meant to distract, confuse, and draw fire. That it did and a pretty nice non-typical 8 x 10 (!!), 31" in velvet was taken. In the excitement (at 430 measured yards), Louie pranced to the top of the rim, posed for my recurring dreams, and left for the open plains.

We saw him two more times before we came home, each time with his three remaining sons assuming point positions for him. Never got him cornered again and he obviously knew the ballistics for our STWs !!

Judging by the amount and diversity of arrow points scattered about the area, this canyon has been pretty impressive for a few thousand years.

Laugh if you will, your smiles and winks will never exceed the ones we had week before last when we drew out tags for this place again this year. :D

Our local guy is scouting him this week; hope he survived the winter.

Knock on wood.

welcome aboard, it is always nice to have a fellow wyomingite around. i have never had the opportunity to hunt monster muleys anywhere around or near thermop, however, about four years ago i was dating a girl in powell, and one evening as my buddy and i stared down the road that was before us the most impressive, unbelievable muley jumped out into the diminishing lights of the day. i swear, i bout had a heartattack. we were about seven miles or so northwest of thermop on the way to cody and then powell. anyways what i guess i am trying to say is no matter how unbelievable 48" may sound, if one that big did exsist there would be no better place than that area.
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Thanks, guys, for the warm welcome.

Hey, WYMULEYMAN, that stretch between Cody and Thermop is notorious for huge rack sightings, especially nigh upon dark when they are working their way to the alfalfa fields along the Bighorn.

Meanwhile, back on the farm here in beautiful downtown Ar-kin-saw, I am counting the minutes until the Wyoming season opens on October 15th.

I need a drank.............. :lol:

There is definetly something about those alfalfa fields that drive those mulies insane. I am orginally from south wyoming from a town called rawlins. the area around rawlins is pretty well known for producing some good deer. in fact a buddy of mine shot a 210 gross typical muley only about 25 miles from my hometown. but i moved to jackson hole about nine months ago. i drew a limited entry deer tag this year for a area north of rawlins that is also known for producing big deer. it is only 30 miles from rawlins. so this will be a good year for me. i have postpone the elk hunting until next year so i can concentrate all my efforts to shooting that big muley.

Your post are hillarious, meaning fun to read. You've got a knack for good writing. Look forward to many more. How about a "teaser" photo of some of those monster your talking about. Hope you and WYMULEYMAN both bag monsters. Good luck!
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Mr. Madness,

Thanks for the props although I humbly protest your kind declarations.

I am not one for excessive photography having given up my darkroom and not making the transition to the digital medium. I do have a picture of one really bizarre nontypical taken by my Wyoming friend's son last year in the same area we drew again for this year. As I have no idea how to attach an image to this post, I shall email it to you and let you do what you will with it. Perhaps the photo will give you and the readers here some idea about the strange mutations that we have observed.

Yeah, I know, I must seem a teaser and a hollow-claimer with no more backup than I have. I nonetheless beg your indulgence and plead that my personal memories of events seem little enhanced by recorded albums and narratives. However, now that I am frequenting this little venue of like-minded fellers, I shall be more cognizant of everyone else's desire to see the "proof". I promise to be a more all-around field journalist, even though I gave up that profession more than 20 years ago. Maybe I'll even buy an electronic data-friendly camera.........naah, I'd rather invest my money in stocks: gunstocks, that is !!

Thanks for your tolerance of this old, lame Arkie. Think I'll go back to the house and cook up a mess of crappie, have a few Miller High Lifes, and take me a nap. I am out of breath just thinking about lugging Louie's big carcass out of that cosmic canyon.
Here is WyomingTrophyHunter's above mentioned deer, I'll let him fill you in on the details.
http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/11_09A.jpg" alt="" />
That indeed is a strange buck! Interesting Posts and discussions.

Great to have you on board.

I'm sure you'll find the other posters here very friendly and knowledgeable.

Sounds like you have some fun an exiting hunting ahead of you!
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Thanks, Brett, for getting the image up for all these guys.

Yep, this little genetic miscreant was running with three rather stupid and otherwise unimpressive bucks in our mysterious canyon. We stalked them for less than an hour, finally catching up in a swedge-hole ravine below the top rim which dumped out into the main gorge. We could sense them milling around just below line of sight as we topped the ridge when they busted out and went right down a parallel finger. This one was taken from the group.

Here are the field stats for him:

Killed 10/31/03.
Excellent condition; estimate 240#
Full, hard velvet.
Innumerable points (We count 'em different in Arkinsaw).
Aged at 4 1/2 years
Very small pecker.
No nuts.
No sign of previous injury to a barely distinguishable scrotum.

We named him "Rudolph" but I think the other reindeer called him "Eve".

Oh, did I mention that he was wearing a rainbow cocktail dress, stiletto heels......................and had recently been on Jerry Springer's show ? :oops:

I refuse to drink the water in this area.
