HI, I"m new and need help in New Mexico

Hi, I'm new to the forum and of course want info on a hunting area. I read the first topic where the individual said that they get an influx of new members when people draw tags asking all kinds of questions. A response for another member questiooned why someone would put in for a tag without knowing a heck of a lot of info on the area they applied for. It could be, like in my case, that they have applied many, many times for a very hard to get tag( like we drew 4 of 26 tags availabe to nonresidents out of the 230 available for the unit). Many of us wait until we draw our once in a lifetime tag before we begin to seek detailed info. My partner and I have been hunting elk for the past 25 years, usually 2 trips each fall out west to Co, WY, UT or MT, and this year our first trip to NM. Whether my rationale for my actions answers the gentleman's question as to why someone waits until they draw is to be seen. Because I hope it does so that I can receive some info from someone who knows unit 52 in New Mexico. After 25 years we finally drew! I live in Louisiana now that I have retired, spent most of my life in Chicago, grew up in the country in Indiana. I don't know what info I could supply anyone with but I'm more that willing to attempt to answer any questions. I really look forward to participating in this forum. Thanks for reading this.
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What hunt, what weapon, any specifc (never could spell that word) information your looking for. They changed the boundrys last year, they are now N is Co state line, S is hwy 64, E is 285,W is 84. Chama is the closest food,fuel, and hotels. They closed the station at TresPiadres last year. There is a guy hanging in ephagy from a post on the N side of hwy 64 . Ain't no joke, those boy's mean it. Stay away from that ranch. Oh yea Elk. There are some nice critters in 52
in sept and oct. Hunt high. If I can help let me know. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
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Thanks for the comeback. First rifle hunt. Need to know possible sites for a pop-up camper. Might like to make contact with a guide for hunting and game retrieval. Any suggestions re. whrer to hunt would be helpful. Am getting BLM and Nat'l forest maps--have garmin and google earth available. The hunt is from Oct. 15 thru 19. Plan to arrive a few days early to scout. Appreciate any help. Thanks !!!
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I have a second home/cabin halfway between Chama, NM and a little town to the south called Tierra Amarilla. I like Unit 52 but haven't been drawn there for a while. I think the best way to get into Unit 52 to hunt is to come in from the Colorado side. If you drive thru Chama on Hwy 17 heading toward Alamosa Colorado, you will come to a little side road on the right as you go through the Cumbres pass which I have located on a map of Google earth at about here: Lat: 37° 0'58.83"N Long: 106°25'4.80"W. Put those coordinates in and you should find it. If you follow that road down and stay right (don't go left along the Rio de Los Pinos --in fact I don't think you can as you'd have to go thru a locked gate onto private land) the road will run back to the south into New Mexico in about 3 or 4 miles, maybe less. You can see the state boundary on Google earth. That will put you on the north side of Unit 52. Just keep following the road, which is a fairly good gravel road, at least for several miles and you will find a lot of possible places to camp with your camper. The road deteriorates the farther in you drive but it's possible to go in a long way as long as it's not muddy (which is usually the case in early Oct). There are some good bulls with good mass throughout the unit. You can also come in from the east side of the Unit by San Antonio Mountain and follow that road on west. There's a gravel road the goes in from the south side of the mountain that's pretty good and a lot of hunters like to go in there (and it will probably be more crowded). If you google "Chama Land and Cattle" you will see the Lodge at Chama (run by the Jicarilla Apache tribe) which will abut Unit 52 on the west side of the unit close to where you will come in from the north. It will give you an idea of the kind of elk you may find in the area (but they're not as easy to find as they are on the Jicarilla land). BTW, I'm retired AF and was stationed at Barksdale AFB back in 87-90. I liked the hunting and fishing there but the humidity is a little much. Where are you from?
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Hey surefire welcome to the niehborhood. I have a cabin around TA also. Figman, the only campgrounds in the area are at Hopewell Lake off of hwy 64. Most people find a place off of a forest road and back in and set up. Make sure you back in cuase the weather can and will do anything rain, sleet, snow sometimes in the same day.
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maintguy47: I've been up in Alaska fishing from end of July till Aug 13th. Have not had time to get back on here before now. Wonder if that guy in Louisiana saw my post. I'm in the Ponderosa when I'm up that way. Where are you?
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Surefire44. I've got a cabin in Lakeview about 1/2 mile from Lake Heron and El Vido Lake.
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Whatever happened to the Louisiana guy who started this thread? Haven't heard from him. Hey, do you also fish for those nice Kokanee in Heron? I love to do it but went to Alaska with my son this year and the season is ending soon and I haven't even had my boat in the water. Now have a freezer full of halibut and salmon. But those Kokanee are some great eating fish. I'm getting ready for my elk hunt in 16D in a few weeks. Can't wait.