High Fenced Hunt - Monster Elk

Okay I'm tired of getting emails about this bull, so I figured it's time to 'clear the air' on this bull, that way I can just send people here for the link instead of answering emails...

RUMOR = New world record, taken in BitterRoot Wildnerness, Idaho with many different scores/locations/spread given. :)

FACT = grosses 560 inches, with an outside spread of 79" taken in Quebec, Canada on a Game Farm/Ranch

Here is the website...


I'm not a fan of these hunts, but really just sick of all the rumors every year about these elk.
i dont even consider that hunting
what a joke - i fear the man i hear bragging about a....trip....like that he made :1 :222 ..... :>/ . :nono:
Yea, someone that would rather spend the money for a "sure trophy" in a high-fenced area or game farm than to do it "the right way".

I already posted this link once but I'll do it again. It's to the Boone and Crockett page. They not only have the same pic of the BUYER (I refuse to call him a hunter) with his MERCHANDISE, they have another live pic of the same bull feeding from a bowl or SOMETHING. The bottom line....fair chase, wild bulls don't use bowls when they feed! This bull came from a game farm somewhere (RUMOR: It came from Quebec).


ANYWAY, I'm as tired of these things myself! Gives us all a bad name as far as I am concerned.
Here's some info on this bull....................

Guide Tony Barber, at left in the photo, confirmed that this bull elk was not killed in Idaho, but rather on a game farm in Quebec.
Rich Landers

The Spokesman-Review
October 5, 2006

News travels fast by the Internet and e-mail. So do rumors and lies.

The latest hunting-related fib to come across my computer screen is a photo of two hunters with a monster elk accompanied by this

“This Elk was killed with a bow in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.
He green scored 575. . He has an unbelievable outside spread of 79 inches.
This is the biggest bull ever taken with any weapon.”

The reference to the Selway is the first clue that at least some of the information is bogus.

“That was a big red flag to us,” said Brad Compton, Idaho Fish and Game Department big-game manager who also had received the digital image.
“That would be 150 points bigger than any bull that’s ever come out of the Selway. It’s too farfetched.”

“Anybody who knows anything about Selway elk could take one look at that bull and know that information is wrong,” said Ryan Hatfield, who works with the Boone and Crockett Club in Missoula. Hatfield, who just finished researching and publishing the book, “Idaho’s Greatest Elk,” said he’d received at least 150 e-mails regarding the so-called Selway elk in the past few days.

After some sleuthing on Tuesday and a tip from a game rancher in Riggins, I found the source of the photo and the bull: Laurentian Wildlife Estate, which has operated as a shooter-bull ranch for six years near Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada.

In a telephone interview, Laurentian manager Tony Barber (at left in the photo) said his California client killed the bull earlier this year inside the 1,000-acre estate, which is enclosed by a game-proof fence to hold the domestically produced elk and red deer.

The elk is a Manitoba strain, not the Rocky Mountain subspecies native to Idaho, Barber said while offering the following details.

The bull was 10 years old and weighed 595 pounds. Its non-typical antlers had 12 points on one side, nine on the other with an outside spread of 79 inches.

The bull has been monitored closely as it matured. “We picked up its shed antlers last year and they measured 516 (Boone and Crockett points),”
Barber said.

Here are other numbers to ponder:

Barber said the bull’s score, using Boone and Crockett measuring criteria, is at least 560 green, that is, before the drying and shrinkage required for official scoring. (Two unofficial measurers scored it 566 and
561 green, he said.)

For comparison, the official Boone and Crockett world record bull, found floating dead in Upper Arrow Lake, British Columbia, scored
465 2/8.

The biggest fair-chase bull to be taken by a hunter came from Arizona. It scored 450 6/8.

Cost to hunt elk on the Quebec shooter-bull operation starts at $4,900, but prices for trophy bulls are negotiated, as Barber put it, “into the high five digits.”

If the unofficial measurements hold up, the bull’s dry-score antlers “would be the biggest ever taken by a hunter,” Barber said.

Most sportsmen, however, take exception to his reference to “hunter.”

Indeed, sportsmen who hunt the old-fashioned way for elk that run wild and free won’t have to compete in the Boone and Crockett club’s official North American record books against this farm-raised specimen.

Jack Reneau, Boone and Crockett big-game records director, said the club, founded by Teddy Roosevelt, does not recognize or score animals that were not taken under the club’s rules of fair chase.

Shooting big-game animals inside an escape-proof enclosure is not considered fair chase, and therefore not endorsed or accepted by Boone and Crockett, he said.
Thanks for the info Hiker. Looks like we got the straight scoop this time.
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Once again you shoot straight.

Did you have any luck on the goats???. Good luck on the elk hunt.

Go NAVY!!!!!!!
dbltrbl, We had a great hunt. I'll try to post the story of the hunts tommorrow under Antelope. Thanks for the good wishes on the wapiti hunt. Colorado Willie is already up there getting camp all set up. If I can get ahold of one, I'll try to tie one up for you for 2nd season. :thumb I heard Navy beat Air Force again, did you go to the game?
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I was busy Saturday helping with the veterans parade in Avondale. We entered 15 tractors and did a show for the folks.

Save a few wapati for us. Just push them up on to Slide.

See ya soon. :thumb
dbltrbl, Based on that last two years, I do not think you need my help. Two branched antler bulls in two years. :thumb I think you have already figured them out up there. If all else fails Hole-in-the-wall should still have some in there.
I'm with you guys, I would much rather have the wild rag horn than the pen raised elk antlers. :>/

I don't believe photos like those would ever fool real elk hunters, who know a little about free ranging elk. zzz
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You know, that was an absolutey amazing animal, but it wasn't natural. It had to have nutritional supplemental feed and a lot of it. It the store I work in, we sell the heck out of antler max and game blocks, and it makes a world of differance in animal size and antler size. Now the men that put this feed out are ranchers with land owner tags that they sell. We aren't talking high fence game ranches, we're just talking huge ranches, not a couple hundred acres but thousands, so the chances that those deer and elk will leave the ranch is small, but still very possible. Now with this elk, those "men" should be embarassed for claiming that they killed this animal in the wild. You know this was an $100,000 elk probably, but don't disgrace the real sportsman by claiming it was a fair chase hunt. Heck, they don't even look like they set foot in the mountains before. They look like they got out of their Caddilac Escalades with a bag of carrots and pet the poor thing before they killed it. What a disgrace, now the world will never appreciate this animal.........Eastern NM hunter
thats not even the same bull as in the top pic and all the others> :dumb
whats even worse to me is that--- correct me if i'm wrong here---- by SCI does recognize these animals in there record books!!! i think it had a strain of texas long-horn in it too, by the size of the width!!!! this isn't hunting!!!!!!! and to think i put on my bivy- pack, hick god awfull miles into the backcountry and hunt my a55 off, and there is people who just write checks to kill bigger bulls then i will ever see in my lifetime!! i think i'll stick to my way!!!!
I agree with ya Killerbee on what real hunting is and yes, SCI does accept these animals into thier books.

Give me the wide open spaces, miles of hiking, and coming home empty handed but knowing darn well that I did my best and did it RIGHT!
thats not even the same bull as in the top pic and all the others>
Nevadahunter, It actually is the same bull.
ya wasn't sure what you meant here nevada hunter?? but deffinatly the same bull for sure in all of these pics
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Heres one of him eating out of his feed pan. What a shame -- what some call hunting.

http://www.hunt101.com/img/439111-big.jpg" alt="" />
that is far from hunting in my book